Grey Skys to Blue
The sky was grey when dad took me for my morning walk, it was quite chuffy. It seemed normal but something was not right. I could tell something was about to happen. Sure enough when we got back Betsy was all packed up. So where we going? Not Home.
Betsy roared into life and soon we were off. She clattered down the bumpy Arran roads, across the sea we could see Kintyre where we had adventures last year. Over hill and down glen she trundled. We stopped at a place called Blackwaterfoot. Blackwaterfood is the place where you get milk and sausages and pies! Back in Betsy she was taking us south, that could only mean we were going to Seal Shore. Sure enough we were back, Betsy even had the same place to rest as last year! Soon camp was made ready time for a nap in the sunshine.
After a nice lazy lunch mum said we should go for a plod down the beach. Fine by me, Ball?
We played ball all the way till the beach came to an end, then I got to play on the rocks!

At the top of the cliffs was an art gallery that every year we have failed to enter. So up the steps we went. At the top we followed the signs and came a cross dog. His mum said he was scared of Poppys because one of my cousins were mean to him, I made him feel alright. We had found the gallery, but, because of covidsees mum and dad needed muzzles to get in. Better luck next year!
Later on dad went out to the hotel next door. When we passed it earlier in the day it was full of peoplsees drinking beers in the sunshine. There were lots of other doggies there. Mmmm maybe we are going out for dinners? Better wait and make sure he comes back.

When he came back his news was not good, no hotel dinner tonight. Mum started to make dinner, time for a nap.