Poppy goes to Portavadie
Betsy left Glasgow following the big road that follows the river. When we got to where the aeroplanes live she never left the road. Mmmmm, we must be going to the big bridge and the mountains. The big bridge came and went, where are we going? I was flummoxed. Was Betsy trying to flamtoosh me? She came to a rest next to the river, hold on, I have been here before, years ago. We must be going to Glendaruel where we saw the shinty game.
Betsy rolled onto the ferry. This ferry you can stay inside her but since it was nice we went out to explore. I met a rescue dog called Carl, his manners were a bit off and I had to give him a growl to keep him in his place. This ferry had no place for me to look out, the sides were too tall DAD, DAD let me look! Nice dad picked me up so I could see where we were going.
Dad was talking to some bikers who were enjoying the fresh air, helmets off and jackets unzipped. I don’t blame them, at least they can take their jackets off. They were going to Fort William. Why they were going this way? Soon we were nearly in Dunoon.
Betsy got off in the first wave. Mum was worried about the Yellow Campervan in front of us because it might get to the site before us. Betsy knew the way to the wee skinny road that went to Loch Ruel. We were on it for a short while when she pulled over to let the bikers from the ferry by, they all waved as they sped past.
The wee skinny road only has space for one car, this means that if a car comes the other way she has to pull over to let it past. She did this for a van and a posh car that were in a big hurry. No sooner than they passed her they had to stop to let some one past. The van had gone too far and had to reverse to make space, the posh car had went too far and the van couldn’t see it…CRASH! That’s not good dad? Betsy pulled out and left them behind. I sniffed the warm spring air through Betsy’s open window. We never saw them again

At the end of the road we didn’t turn down to Glendaruel we turned right, mmmm never been here before. Soon she turned off the big road and started to climb a big hill, near the top she pulled over for a rest. Can we get out mum? Look Dad, there’s the Bikers from the ferry. I said hello but I saw something to climb and couldn’t resist. Poppys loves climbing.

Rested, Betsy started off again, soon we were on the other side of the hill coming down to Tighnabruaich. She turned right, where are you going Betsy? A few more miles and Loch Fyne opened before us, Betsy pulled into a marina and found a place to rest. I looked at mum and dad, explore? Now? The marina was posh. Posh places means Poppys on leash.

I was not happy. I had to hypnotise Mum and Dad to let me off. Muuuuuuuuum. Daaaaaaad. Take the leash off me. They fall for it every time!

At the end of the marina was a big building called a spa. I had an out door swimming pool that had steam coming off it. Dad, why? He didn’t answer I didn’t care because Poppys were not allowed to go in anyways, stupid spasees.

Beside the loch I found the bestis place to play ball but we had no time and no ball! Dad remember this place, I want to come back here.
We left the marina and went down to the ferry Jetty. Before long one came in. “That’s where the bikers went,” said dad. Where does it go to Dad? “It goes to Tarbert Poppy, remember the place you got scallops last year?” Mmmmm Poppys loves scallopsees.
We plodded on round the bay then made our way back to Betsy to make camp for the night.
As the sun went to bed so did I and had lots of dreams about the adventures I was going to have tomorrow.