Over the sea loch to Tarbert
Today the sky was grey. Dad disturbed me when he got up, grrrrrrrrrrrrr let me be dad. It was not to be, harness on and walk. When we got back to Betsy breaky was ready. By the time my bickys were scoffed and squeezed in a quick drink we were offski down to the jetty.
There was a long line of cars at the jetty I went down to look for the ferry yawn, no sign of it. Suppose we better wait at the ferry stop.
Soon the rumble of the ferry could be heard across the loch, I ran down to the slipway, look dad the ferry is here. Dad came down and put me on leash. “Better be careful Poppy, don’t want to get squished by a car”.
The cars went on the ferry first then we could get on. This is a small ferry dad, look steps can we go up them? I pulled dad up the steps, he needs a help now and then. On this ferry I could see everything, I didn’t need mum or dad to lift me up. The ferry set off and was pushing its way across the loch. I went to explore.

Dad got a bit worried when I went the other side of the rails, don’t worry dad Poppys no likey deep waters, I’m not going in there!

Soon the ferry had pulled into Tarbert and we were back on dry land. Poppys have been to Tarbet a few times before, I have explored the castle and the last time I was here I got Scallopsees! Poppys love Scallopsees! Are we going for Scallopsees?

We wandered into the village, mum went into at the same shop she always stops at. I’m allowed inside this shop but I decided to keep dad company outside. “I will buy some things on the way back” said mum when she came out. OK we are here now where are we going for Scallopsees? “We are going to the Starfish Poppy” said mum. Now? The Starfish was great. I got some fishees but more importantly Scallopsees!

After Lunch we went to explore the marina. On the way I saw a two headed swan. Dad, dad, that’s not right, look. Grrrrrrrrrrrr

On the way to the marina I was let off leash. Free at last, it gave me a chance to explore proper. Lots of new smells and even better rocks to climb.
At the marina I met a Jack Russel called Rosy. Rosy liked to swim and asked me if I wanted to jump in the water, Poppys don’t do swimmings, Poppys do running and ball.
“Time to go back Poppy” said mum. Mmmmm not before I get a good run about the moorings! “Poppy No!” shouted dad. What’s that? Can’t here you. Did you say something?
Back in the village mum went to get a paper, me and dad played with a puppy called Paris, a 3 month old French Bulldog. He was too young to have manners yet, and too young to be taught them, dad kept me on a short leash. We walked through the village mum bought some stuff from the shop and I got off leash as we walked past the jetty to a strange pier. The pier smelled amazing! I could smell crabs and lobstersees. So this is where the lobstersees come from dad? Those big tanks?
Time to go back to camp across the loch. At the ferry stop a wee peoplesee was chucking stones at something in the sea. What was it? A sea vampire dog? A seal monster? Don’t care I’ll go help GRRRROUGH, ROUGH! ROUGH! ROUGH! His mum told him to stop chucking the stones. MMM must have been practicing. Ferry came in I dragged dad up steps and we were off back across the loch.
When we got back to Betsy the sun was trying to push the clouds from the sky. Mum and dad were having a lazy afternoon. Mmmm, I think they need to work off lunch! Mum, ball? Nothing. I went up and nudged dad. Ball? Nothing. This will take the big guns. I scratched betsys door and kept scratching it, eventually I got their attention. Ball? “OK Poppy ball” We went down to the place I found yesterday BALL!
After I was very tired. It’s been a long day. As the sun went to bed It was time for snoozys.