Not so Funny Little Christmas
The holiday week started badly. Grandpa took me out for a walk and I was feeling ill. Halfway round I was sicky. I was sicky again on the way home. The rest of the afternoon I just curled up slept. The next day I woke up and was sicky again. I was feeling terrible. Dad had to strip the bed a wash the covers, he was grumpy because sicky had went all the way through to new mattress that had been placed on bed 2 days ago. Dad its not my fault. Mum came home early and I was sicky again. We all jumped into mini, I have a bad feeling about this. I started to shake…..we are going to nasty vets! Vet came out to car put a noose round my neck and dragged me in. Mum, Dad save me!
Vet gave me an injection and spoke to mum and dad, I was having none of it I’m off. Dinner was rubbish pasta Yuck! Cod was ok, Then dad made rice….Yuck. Why dose dad put rice through my fishees? It takes ages to separate the fishees from the rice.
The day before santi paws day I was still not feeling well. Mum and dad were worried because of the water dripping from my mouth. We went back out into mini, I was ok with this because mini went to asda so no nasty vets. I had my nose out of the window when I smelled it. We are going to vets! NO! Nasty vet took me from dad, was terrified. First he put me on table and shaved my neck, then he got a big needle and stabbed me in the neck! Let me out of here! He put me in a cage and left me. Why has mum and dad abandoned me. I was alone for aged, mum and dad still have not come back for me. Nasty vet came in but instead of letting me go he took me to the bad room and shaved my leg. He then got another big needle and stabbed me in the leg! Mum dad why have you left me here! I have been a good girl!
It was getting dark when I was let go. Mum had come to get me, Mum why did you do this to me? The day didn’t get much better when we got home. Dinner was rubbish! After the day I had I shouldn’t be given rice! Santa paws day eve is rubbish. It did get a bit better when mum gave me chicken.
Santi paws day came, I was feeling a bit better. Mum put on my Christmas jumper for me.
We went up the park and I met Bernard and his family. They had been roller blading on the paths, except his dad who has a sore leg. Park was not as busy as normal. I had a great time playing ball and I even got to chase three squirlees!

Back home it was time for prezzies! Finally proper Santi paws day! I have lots of prezzies to open. I got lots of new toys and a posh new jacket. It doesn’t go with my new blue bandage I have on my leg though. For lunch I got more chicken and rice. Dad, I’m not eating any rice YUCK!

After lunch I went for a nap, when I woke up Granny and Granpa where here, Granny gave me lots of pets and Granpa pulled my tail, he thinks it’s funny, I’m not impressed and give him a growl. I never got any treats this santi paws day, I think mum and dad are mean. I have not had treats in days! Christmas dinner was a bit better Chickens and rice, sift the chickens leave the rice, will dad not learn?

I woke up on boxing days still not feeling good. Dad keeps trying to get me to drink, he made more rice for me, yuck, pure hate rice, at least mum gave me brecky bickies. We didn’t go up the park today Mr wind was howling and the sky was crying it’s eyes out, no fun to be had today. I spent the afternoon curled up in a ball next to mum as they watched the football on tv.

The next day I was feeling a bit better. Today I got some proper food for dinner. Still has chicken in it YUM! I went over to granny and granpa’s. Grampa took me up the park and gave me treats when I got back to his house. Mum was not happy, I was ecstatic, it’s the first time I have treats for days.