Daft Days
Daft days are the days between santi paws day and the first Monday after steak pie day. Mum and dad are both on holybags so we spend lots of time together. We were meant to be on adventures in a place called Wales but covids spoiled that for us. Mum said we should go on a day out. Where to mum? “How about the beach?” We all jumped into mini and were off. Before long we were at Troon. It was very quiet, mini even had choices of resting places right on the beach.
The beach was very odd. The sand was hard. Sands not meant to be hard, Troon sand is never hard. Mum look. Peoplsees going into the sea! Are they daft or what! They will freeze to death!
It was a bit chuffy so playing ball was a must to keep warm.
We walked all the way to the top before heading back, I got to play with lots of dogs, I was not impressed with the big puppy though, too bouncy, too big, too stupid. Who would try and catch sea gulls? Has he not learned that they can fly?
On the way back to mini something else odd happened. A horse. A horse on the beach? What’s that all about? At the end of the walk mum and dad went to the south beach kiosk for a coffee and a hot chocolate and they never got me anything. How mean is that? I could smell the sausages. One thing that did improve today. When we got home I my first proper dinner in days. Dad said I have forgotten how to eat since I got sick.

Football was on the box in the afternoon, so It was the bestis time to go for a wee snooze