Beadnell Bay
This morning I woke up on dad’s head, had a big stretch and a good shake. Poor dad woke up with my tale slapping his face! Some of our neighbors had left so the dunes were quite this morning. What we up to today mum? “We are going to explore the village Poppy” Oh, OK then. Leaving Betsy behind we plodded through the camp to the road that kept the sea from front of the village. Something happened, I don’t know what it was, but mum and dad got grumpy with each other. We explored up by the church, mum went into The Crastor’s Arms to make plans for a dinner.
After it was time for the beach. We took a short cut so I could get off leash, Mum what is this I’m standing on? A worky shouted to mum to tell her I’m in cement? I mean what is cement anyway? I’ll tell you what it is, a sharp bath in the North Sea, grrrrrrrr bad cementzs. Back on the road we came to the harbour..
The water in the harbour was a really funny colour of blue, I had a peak over the edge, it looked as cold as snow. Don’t want to fall in that.
Poppys like harbours lots of smells. Smells like fishees and Poppys just love fishees. Time to explore every inch of it.
I was on the harbour wall when I saw a castle in the distance, what’s that dad? “Poppy it’s called Dunstanburgh Castle” ” You visited it last year poppy when we were at Craster” ” Remember? The smoky fish place?” Ah, Smoky Fish Place, yum. I jumped off the wall to explore some more.

Dad? How come these things smell so good? What lives in these things? I mean they have been at every seaside harbour we have been to, what are they? “Lobster pots Poppy” Have I had Lobtersees before dad? No Poppy. MMMMMMmmmmmm smells sssssssso gooood.

OK beach? Can we go and play ball?

After a game of ball, I was so hot I had to dip my paws in the sea to cool down. I’m pure starving. MUM. OK poppy I’m hungry too, let’s go to Betsy for some food.

I ran ahead, up the dune and down to Betsy, mmm where is mum and dad? Better go back and get them.

Din dins over afternoon was very lazy, New neighbors arrived and I went to say hello, I introduced myself to Zoo-Zoo the brown puppy. We had a good run a round, Zoo-Zoo had never seen a racing westie before, showed him a clean pare of heals. One last game on the beach dad?
We went going out for dinner tonight to a place called Beadnell Towers. Getting there was a pure faf. Dad took us up a lane that was a dead end, then we got lost in a bunch of new houses, Mum was getting angrier and angrier, good job we found the place. Food was ok I got some fishees.
The walk home was a whole new adventure. First, we went stomping through the fields avoiding the cow pats in the blackness. Then when we came out, we were in the camp site next to ours. I was still off leash, then I saw them……Rabitsees! I’ll get them! I chased them all over the camp, dad occasionally lit me up with his torch but in a white flash I was gone. Dad eventually caught up with me, Dad did you see me go? Did you see me nearly catch that one? Dad was not impressed and put me back on leash