I got Kong when I was a pup. Kongs is one of the bestis things in the world EVER! What the Humansees don’t understands is that Kongs are magics. You put ordinary kibble inside Kong and it makes it special. The taste changes and it becomes well tasty. Some times it has really good treats inside it like jumbone or even denti sticks!

I get Kongs when mum and dad are in restaurants, pubs or when they are having dinner.

Kongs other magics are that it can make special treats last for ages.
Denti sticks can last for 10 times longer.
The best bit is once you have finished there is always a wee bit left so you can take it to dad to get it out for you!

(from dad)
You might notice the colour of kong has changed from blue to pink. This is not because it wore out or became damaged. It was three and a half years old before we lost it in a trattoria on Lake Maggiore. (read too much wine and forgot to pick it up when leaving)

It was soon replaced at full price from the first pet shop we passed, can get for a lot cheaper on line but it’s as essential to the wee yin as poo bags. Must buy product.
Kongs are the bestis in the whole wide world ever grrrrrrrough.
4 paws from me