Photoshoot Poppy
Mum was given a voucher to go to a photographer, so what’s that got to do with me I thought. Well I soon found out. Mmmmmm splashy noises coming from the bath room, that’s never good. Better hide. It was no good mum found me under the table in the dark red room. I’ll have to find a new hiding place. Soon she picked me up and I was flying all the way to bath. Poppys really really hates baths. Torture over upstairs to pink room and hairdryer. The only good thing about nasty baths is hairdryer and lots of treats afterwards.
Next day the horrors continued. Mum went to work, pretty normal so far. I woke up, Dad? Walks? To my surprise instead of harness.. equafleece! Dad, don’t know if noticed….the sky’s not crying.
After walks he took equafleece off and carried me to Audi. This is getting very strange. Then it twigged…..Groomers. Audi went her own way, mmm this is not way to groomers, maybe it will be OK. Hold on I know exactly where I am, sneaky Audi has tricked me it’s the groomers! NO! NO! I’m not going in!
I was so glad when dad came back for me, I couldn’t get out fast enough! When we got home dad was perplexed. He kept looking at me shaking his head. Then I saw the scissors in his hand. No dad, No, I have been to groomers, look they have already chopped my hair! No dice, an age later he let me be.
Things didn’t get back to normal even when mum came home. No sooner than she home we were in Mini and off again. Mini took us to a part of the city I have never been to before. She stopped beside a big old warehouse. The door to the warehouse was shut tight. Mum spoke to a peoplsee on her talky box and soon the door opened with a peoplsee telling us to come in
Inside Classy Dog Studios lots of new smells, and lots of stairs! Well poppys don’t need to be asked twice, up and up and up I went. More steps here than at home, eh dad. At the top we went down a bright corridor with lots of windows through a door into a very strange room.

Mmmm at lot of doggies have been here. I better investigate. First the chairs, then the cupboard then the strange table. What is this place? The Marlon Masina was very nice he gave me lots of treats and petted me

He asked mum to put me on a big table. Mmmmmm things normally go well bad when I get put on tables. Nope I’m not going on table. “Poppy it’s OK. You are not at the vets or the groomers” said dad. It doesn’t smell like vets, doesn’t look like vets but neither did the one in Switzerland!

On the table the peoplsee started giving me treats while taking photographs of me. Poppys are not daft, poppys know the best way to get more treats is to move when the camera gets pointed at me.

It worked, more and more treats. This is fun! Lights, camera, action, move and get treats!

I got millions of treats. Next mum put me on a big box. I didn’t like the box. The floor was see through. How come I’m not falling? I was not happy but never had time to dwell, more treats!

To soon the treats had dried up and I was back on the ground again. Mum and dad chatted to the peoplsee, we said our goodbyes and Mini took us back home for a late dinner. I was stuffed. What a very strange day, strange days make poppys very tired, time for a nap.