Winter Days
The last month has been a haze of one day melding into the next then next. Because Super Nicky has stopped us from travelling most of life revolves around the house. We spend a lot of time at home park. Home park changes every day from white, to sparkly, and back to green.
Dad was very naughty and sneaked out all the way to Bridge of Wier to buy mum a drum kit for her birthday. He then drove all the way to Alloa to buy an amplifier for it. Personally I’m not fussed, but mum seems happy.
The start of the month was cold. It then got very wet, Poppys don’t like the wet. Every time I went out I had to ware a coat to keep me dry. Worse when I get home mum puts me in baths to clean the mud and dirt off my paws and tummy. The days changed again and jack frost sparkled the streets and made the ground hard. When the ground was hard we went to Linn Park.
Other places we have been going to are the golf course. Dad had a mission to find the old Curling Pond in Pollock Park. Ha poor dad, he found them, one moment he was standing, next, CRACK!, his feet disappeared! Funny seeing dad with muddier paws then me!

The middle of January It was not a cold as it was at new years the white cart was no longer white and I wouldn’t want to fall in it now. The Golf course had golfers on it so we had to be careful when sneaking through it.

The month went on and it got very samey. Get up, go for walk, grandpa comes over and takes me round the river run, snooze in the afternoon, dinner, bit of a play with dad, night time walk, supper bed.

It seems every day I go out I get snow balls on my paws. One bit of good news was Granpa and Granma got vaccines. Don’t know what they are but it made them very happy.

January turned into February and it turned colder and the days got longer, still light just before dinner time! Still not allowed to travel, this made Home park busy every day with lots of peoplsees.

Then the snow came again. Winter wonderland everywhere!