Seal hunting
It was a windy night Betsy was shaking all over the place. I woke several times with scary big bangs and things clattering against Betsy. Dad was nice and let me coory into him. When I woke up camp was a mess. Dad was already up and cleaning. There was a lot of movement in camp, lots of people packing up, soon they were all gone.

Mum had work to do so me and dad took it easy. Mums work took longer than she thought so bacon was off the menu for lunch. Dad made a picnic so we could go out hunting sealmonsters. We headed of by beach then we had to hit the road. Along the way we checked in on “our house”

Before we left the road I bumped into a couple of my cousins. They were having a great time, paws in the air and squidling around on their backs for no reason. No foxes in Arran so no fox poo. I looked at Mum, I thought that looks so good, Im having some of that. Paws in the air wriggling about the grass felt so good on my back, this is great! Mum never even said “No Poppy” We said good bye and headed along the path to the hunting ground.

It wasn’t long before we came to the first beach. Perfect sand for a good game of ball and just right for dipping your paws.

I jumped on some rocks and I could smell the sealmonsters in the distance, they were still a long way off. Dad thought it was a good idea to have lunch when we got to photograph rock. It’s called that because lots of peoplsees take photographs here. Not to be rude we have always done the same.

Lunch was great, ham, cheesies, muffins and carrotsees, yum!

To get to the hunting grounds you have to cross big rivers, climb rocks and cross large plains. The first obstacle is the river. To cross it you have to leap across giant stones, one slip and you will be swept away.

Next is the great plane, in the middle is a huge waterfall. Last year we explored all the way to where it splashed into pools of sweet cool drinking water.

Finally we came to the rocks where the sealmonsters live. I can smell them, I can see them, but this year they were keeping out of reach. I just couldn’t get to them, sneaky sealmonsters.
I tried another way, come on dad this way, we crossed a stone beach but as soon as I got close they dived into the water. Sealmonsters know that Poppys don’t swim.
The hunt was over we headed back. On the way back the path got narrow peoplsees and a dog was on it, we held back to let them pass. Suddenly the big dog snarled at me, then it went for me teath snapping just missing my neck. I turned and groweled my biggest growl, still it came, I backed up and growled. It went for me again teeth snapping, I had nowhere to run. Dad pounced on the dog grabbed the back of its neck and held it to the ground, Look out for his teeth dad! Its owner came. Bad dog, bad owner, lets get out of here dad away from that nutter.
My westie cousins were at the same place sunbathing. We couldn’t stay long because dad wanted to watch the football. The beach looked different on the way back, when we came to the end of the bay dad led us up the garden path, all the way to the back door of a garden!
Back we go then dad? I took charge and found the right one.
We got back intime for football, dad watched it inside Betsy, I stayed outside in the sunshine. While I was out I spoke to the old dog across from us. He wants to play but his legs won’t let him. I’m glad I’m not old.
It got hotter and hotter, I had a rest under Betsy in the shade and cool. Once cooled enough back out for a spot of sun bathing.