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Port Righ

Port Righ

I woke up this morning on my cushions, the day was dry and I was hungry. The rain came and went away again. Today we are going on the hunt of a Roman castle.
poppysock wakes up at carradale
On the way we met one of mums old neighbours, He was going to a gin distillery with his friends. Mum chatted with him for ages until his friends told him to go. As we headed to the beach the mist rolled in from the sea.
poppysocks on carradale beach for morning walk
The beach was empty and perfect for playing ball. At the end of the beach dad decided not to cross the burn but to find another way across. I went ahead to sniff out a way. Mum, Dad, this way. I have found a bridge.
poppy the westie on bridge from carradale
We crossed the bridge and followed a path along a field. Before we came to the road the sky started to cry. Taking shelter under a tree mum put my coat on me. The sky stopped crying and we continued along the road to Port Righ,
poppy the westie on road to Port Righ
When we got there I found some steps down to the beach. It was a nice small beach, if you lived here it would be great.
poppy the westie on beach at Port Righ
As we explored the sky got upset again so we headed for cover in the trees at the end of the bay.
poppy the westie taking shelter Port Righ
After a few moments we were back on the beach going to explore the far end lots of rocks to climb.
poppysocks climbing out of Port Righ
There was no way round the headland so sweeping through the heather like a deer in the glen I lead mum and dad up the hill to the Carradale golf course.
poppy the westie with Port Righ bay in back ground
Poppys like golf courses they have short grass and are great for playing ball
poppy the westie on Carradale Golf Course
We could not find this castle anywhere so we decided to head down to the port where we would find the road home. Dad’s leg was sore and mum’s foot was still hurting from yesterday. Dad said we had to save some energy for the walk to dinner tonight.
poppy the westie above Carradale
After a rest at Betsy we headed out the front of camp towards Waterfoot. The stepping stones still did not look clever enough to cross. Walking down the main road we got to The Glen Bar. They had a table for us outside in the sun shine. I went to explore.
poppy the westie exploring the Glen Bar Carradale
Dinner came and I got denti stix and some of mum and dad’s dinner.
poppy the westie at The Glen Bar Carradale
After dinner we went back to betsy. Dad thought because it was such a nice night we should go down to the beach. Great I thought BALL.
poppysocks at carradale bay at sunset
Mum and dad sat on the sand with there drinks looking over the sea to Arran as other peoplsees gathered in groups along the bay gathering wood for fires.
carradale bay at sunset
As their flickering embers go higher and higher it was time for us to get back to Betsy

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