Clachan Sands and Hosta Beach
New day and New Beaches to explore. First mum wanted to go to the COOP and see the east of the island. Betsy set off and was soon on a teeny weeny road. She crossed the island and got to the co. Off she went again, dad was moaning because it was the exact same trip as yesterday morning. When she got to Lochmaddy he had had enough. Betsy turned tale and headed for Clachan Sand. She went as far as she could and rested beside a graveyard. What is it with the Outer Hebrides that beaches are always beside graveyards?
Mum and dad set off I hung back, they kept going, mmm I suppose I should catch them up, they might get into trouble. Another day another beach!
Dad this one is really good for ball, the sands perfect, it doesn’t kick up when I pounce on the ball.
I was getting hot, better go for a paddle to cool down. I looked for Jack since he was camping here but couldn’t find him.

After a while we headed back to Betsy next stop Hosta Beach where the pepolesees we met in Harris told us about. We were making good time until a huge digger blocked the road as it was trying to get on to a big truck. The view was nice though.

To get to the beach Betsy had to navigate a bumpy sandy road with lots of holes in it. The path to the beach was easy but we were getting attacked by flies.

When we got there we didn’t have much time, didn’t even go on the beach because we had a lunch date with some seafood at two. So back to Betsy. We got to Namara a wee bit late, mum phoned ahead to keep our outside reservation. When we got there bad news. No roles! Good job we were in Betsy, she had roles so disaster avoided!

After lunch Betsy stopped at the Hebridean Smokehouse, mum and dad got out and left me in Betsy. NO don’t leave me behind, let me come too! I couldn’t get out, I scratched and scratched at the door, it wouldn’t budge, I shouted and shouted but no one was there to help me. When mum and dad got back I was shaking. That was close nearly lost them forever. Fright over and back at camp I got a surprise visit. My wee cousin Archie!

We had a good play and it made me forget about the big bad scare.