Full packed day in Bute
Betsy unplugged and we are away right after breakfast. First stop Etterick bay and Beach. Betsy got a great place rest. Right art the entrance. We were on the beach in two wags of a puppies tale, BALL!
Mum and dad were looking to the skys, what you worrying about? Its never going to rain, trust me I’m a westie.
As we were walking along the beach we bumped into the nice neighbours from camp who left food out for me. I never knew they had a dog. He was young and very bouncy, daft puppy.
Next stop Scalpsie Bay. When Betsy rolled up there was no space for her. Luck was in we saw two peoplsees coming up the path from the beach. They jumped in their car leaving just enough space for Betsy to squeeze in. We going?

Where are we going? We walked past the sands through a gate till mum and dad rested on some stones and looked out to sea. Sniff sniff, sniff, sniff, not smelling anything.

Dad what are you looking for? What is it?

I had another look, SEALMONSTERS! Don’t worry about them I’ll protect you from them. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRROUGH! WOO WOO WOO WOOOOOF GROUGH, GROGH, GROUGH

Disaster prevented, Sealmonsters told, I could now go back to the beach and Betsy.

Betsy took us the long road round the island. She decided to stop at Kerrycroy where we had Lunch. As we were eating mum and dad took pictures of an old boat in the water.
Time to explore and have a game of ball. We played along the village green and onto the pier.
Back on the green another game of ball. As I was playing something caught my eye. That’s a strange boat, What is it dad?
Betsy took us back to camp where we chilled out before going for dinners. Back down the serpentine and into town. We were going back to The Bonnie Clyde. The roads were even quieter than last night in town.
Dinner was better than last nights and the Bonnie Clyde was very busy. Even though it was busy, the nice waiter still had lots of time for me.
Taxi back to Betsy and Bedtime. The next day Betsy was off again this time to the ferry. It was packed with cars. Betsy was lucky she got on the boat when lots of cars got left behind. The ferry was different. Usually you have to stay in Betsy, but because of covid changes we all had to get out. Not complaining I like ferry.
On the ferrys Poppys like to look out for Jelly fishes, Poppys also likes the see wind in my noses. .
Soon I could see the land, adventures over till the next time.