Yellowcraig Beach
Yesterday we jumped into Betsy and she took us to Yellowcraig. The camp is nice but now its time to explore. I know we are near the seaside, I can smell the sea, but where is it? Dad don’t forget ball. We left the camp, crossed some fields and then entered a forest. Mum where’s the beach?

As we came out of the forest I saw a lighthouse. Well where there’s a lighthouse. What is that island called Mum? “It’s called Fidra Poppy.” Can we go there?

Look Dad beach! Lets go!

Me and Dad paddled in the sea. Mum thought we were mad, “You do know that’s the North Sea?” she said.

The beach was in two halves, the half near the campsite was busy. Funny because the other half was empty and it was the better beach.

Both beaches went on for miles, the far beach was also best for ball.

When we got to the end we crossed a golf course and explored a small village. Not much to see here, lets get back to beach.

Now it’s time for another game of ball. I went up to mum, “I don’t have it” she said. So I jumped in front of Dad. His hand went into his pocket, game on!

More Ball, we played all the way back to where the beach met the forest. Back at camp we had an easy night. More adventures tomorrow.