Green Loch is not green
Morning walk by the loch was pretty uneventful, still plenty to sniff though. I don’t think it’s going to rain today Dad.

After breaky we were going on a walk. First we went to the reindeer center, nasty smelly things, noisy too. Good job for them they were hiding behind a fence. Leaving the beasties behind we started to climb a path, dad said we were going to a green loch.

The walk to the loch was very busy, lots of peoplesees everywhere. Where did all the peoplesees come from? Dad? Do you think they came from the big wedding? When we got to the loch Mum found a nice quiet place for a picnic.

After picnic I climbed the rocks at the side of the loch. Dad was worried I would slip. Silly dad Poppys have four paw drive.

We left the loch to the crowds and took a smaller path back. This path was empty and we soon found out why. It was very narrow and very steep, at some points it was quite a scramble to get up. Mum and dad looked like they were struggling, hurry up it’s not that hard. Dad look fairy stools, “they are toadstools Poppy” said Dad. Mmmm no toads up here.

Once we got to the top the path started to level out and I could see how high we climbed.

The path got wider and wider as it cut through the forest. There were trees everywhere, sometimes the trees thinned and there were even paths cut though them.

On the way back to camp we met a family on bikes. Where do you think they are going Dad? They will not get far on bikes. No way will they get down the path at the other end. You better warn them. The peoplesees were grateful for the heads up, they turned about and freewheeled down the hill back to the reindeer centre.

We went out for dinner at the pine martin. It was very busy. Dad got a burger, he gave me a wee bit, mmmm it was yummy, can I get some more dad? After dinner we headed back to Betsy.
It has been a long day, betsy was nice and warm, time for a wee snooze.