Glenridding and Aira Force
We were going on boat rides today so we were up early and away. Bouncing down the bumpy path in poppymobile we got to the bridge, crossed it and headed for the pier. Mum went into get tickets, when she came out she told us there could be problems getting back because of something called Storm Babet. Mmmm don’t know what a Storm Babet is but it don’t sound too good. Anyhoo we jumped on the boat and soon were sailing down the lake. We even got to wave to Betsy as we passed her.

Boat ride was good because I got to sit on a seat, it was nice to get out of poppymobile. Dad took me up front where I could see the lake stretch out to the hills. Peoplesees from Englandshire call them mountains, but look at them, too wee to be mountains.

Boat stopped at Howtown, loads of peoplesees got on, mmm where did they come from? Howtown is only 3 houses and a pier.

Soon we got our first glimpse of Glenridding. We get off here? “Only for a bit we have to catch another boat” said mum. How Come? “We are going to a place called Aira Force” she said. Mmmm Aira Force? Not convinced I want to go there. Jets are noisy and scary.

True enough at Glenridding I was carried of one boat and plonked on another. As we were leaving I looked to the sky. Mmmm looks moody today.

This boat was smaller than the last and went up the other side of the lake. It was great to be out on water again with mum and dad.

A while later I spotted a shed by the water. Dad look a shed but no house or garden. “It’s a boat house Poppy, It’s where people keep their boats when they are not out on the lake”. Peoplsees are funny houses for cars now houses for boats, what next? Houses for sheepsees and fishees?

We got off at Aira Force Peir, odd very odd. Not a Jet insight. In fact, not anything in sight. Back in poppymobile we bounced up a path as four Chinees peoplesees were running to catch the boat, don’t think they are going to make it eh Dad? On we went crossing a road then started to climb. Up and up we went. It was soon way to steep for poppymobile so soon I was being carried and poppymobile was left behind. Dad had to stop and let me down to ease his arms. Nice spot dad.

Off again up and up until we came to a waterfall. There where lots of peoplesees here. “Well poppy there is the gravel river waterfall” said dad “ Air meaning gravel a meaning river force meaning waterfall, Aria Force”. Dad stop pulling my paw.
It took me a while but I spotted something, two bridges, one at the top and one at the bottom. Mum can we go explore? “No Poppy, we have to go back the same way to get poppymobile” she said. Grrrrr I hate not being well.
Back down we went picking up poppymobile on rout. Just before the pier we found some picnic benches. Perfect
From the picnic bench we could see the pier so we not going to miss the boat. As we boarded a peoplesee asked for the tickets The other peoplesee said “It’s OK I remember them”. Suppose I was the only westie with a poppymobile travelling today. When we got to Glenridden we had an hour to kill before the ferry home. Might as well explore, it would be rude not to.
Boat came and it was going to be busy. Lots of peoplesees. On the way up the lake suddenly Roaaaaaaaar….. ROAAAAAAARRRRRR. Two jet fighters screamed over our heads,. Mmmmm must have come from Aira Force. We got to Howtown nobody got on or off. Off again. We passed Betsy just as we came into Pooley Bridge, hi Betsy.

We were having a quiet night tonight because a storm was meant to arrive. Nobody told the sheeps though.