Frogs, Market and Paddling Around
Big stretch, shaky shaky wakey wakey, big yawn, what we up to today then? Outside the sky was blue and the lake was speckled with different greens. “We are going to a market Poppy” said Mum, market, Oh, OK then.

It was still cool when we left camp. We went through a tunnel and followed a walkway into the next village. Something was up. Dad, stones aren’t meant to move by themselves, are they? Nose to the ground I went to investigate. Mmmm stones don’t smell like this, then it moved! Dad what are they? Dad was surprised, “Look, tiny frogs!” he said. Then we noticed thousand of them.

It was no surprise that there was even a warning sign, it was pointing the wrong way though.

Soon we reached Crone, I explored the pier and Mum and Dad checked the ferry times, we were going to get a ferry back.

Crone was very different from yesterday. There were tents everywhere and it was full of people. Lots of smells, the salami tent smelled amazing! Dad bought a pair of sunglasses and two t shirts.

Crone looked very different in the sunshine, to get away from the peoplesees we took the smaller lanes to explore more of the village. Mum, Dad follow me and I’ll follow my nose. First I found some courtyards, an old Italian peoplesees waved to us as we passed through.

The village is not very big, but it was pretty. Soon we had covered almost every inch of it. I took a rest on some steps before getting ready to plod back through the busy market to the pier.

Mum and Dad liked the views from the pier.

Not a ferry in sight I suppose we better walk then. We walked along the lake side when I herd a familiar noise. Ferry. Mum Dad look it’s the ferry. We could have caught it to go back. Mums and Dads are good at lots of things but ferry timetable reading is not one of them.
Soon we were through the tunnel and could see the campsite. Not as many frogs on the way back eh Dad?
We walked all the way back to Betsy and got there in time for lunch. While Mum made lunch Dad was making funny noises blowing up the Canoe. Dad stop making those hissy noises!
After lunch I got my life jacket on and we got ready to go.
Mum got in first, then me, then Dad. He started to paddle and we were off.
Where will we go? Will we go across the lake? We lazily paddled up the lake towards Crone taking lots of breaks, its been ages since I was in a kayak, years ago.
When we got to Crone dad let the wind and current take us back only making a few adjustments on the way. This is great, cool wind, jumping fishees. Poppys loves kayaks.
Kayaks knew where she was going she bobbed us all the way back to Betsy, Hi Betsy!
The rest of the afternoon vanished quickly, Dad was putting Kayak away and I played with my new neighbour Benny. Benny was from Holland and was very nice. We played all afternoon until mum called me in.
She put my new harness on. Oh we going out for dinner? Where to? “The campsite down the road” said Mum. New campsite to explore means new smells. After getting lost in the new campsite I sniffed out the smell of food. Good job you have Poppys with you, you would die of hunger otherwise!