Exploring Gigha
Today we are going to explore more of the island. We left Betsy and climbed the hill past The Boathouse to the village. Where the ferry road met the main road we turned left past the hotel to the village proper. Just after the last house we left the road and entered a wood. It was nice and peaceful with lots of smells to investigate. In the middle of the woods we stumbled across a football pitch, mmm what’s it doing here? Dad? Dad looked as confused as me. As we continued the plants changed, no longer ferns but huge feck off plants with huge leaves. Mum, Dad, this aint normal.

As if by magic suddenly we were out of the woods and in a big park, it was like a cross between Queens Park and Lynn Park except the house in the middle was much grander and had two posh white cars parked outside. Mmmm do you think we are allowed in here? One thing was very different though. Flutterbyes, hundreds of them, I have never seen so many.

Behind the house was a walled garden. No ordinary walled garden, this one had a maze and not like the one at Pollock Park where I can stand on my back legs and see over it. Oh no, this one was tall.

We left the Gardens and scrambled to the top of a hill, the view went all the way to Jura. Look dad there’s a beach down there can we go play ball?

As we came back down a huge dog bounded over to me out of nowhere, Mum PICK ME UP! That thing might be a pup but I think it’s going to eat me! Dad talked to the dogs owner, dad wanted to know where the famous standing stone was. We took his directions but when we got there underwhelmed was an understatement. Mmmm so that it? Seen bigger gate posts in our street. The sky started to sob. We took cover under a gorse bush, Good cave you found here Mum. Within a few moments it was dry. From the stone we saw an old church I wanted to explore the stone park. Poppys loves a good stone park and this one was quite OK.

OK dad enough of this sight seeing beach? We went back to where the big dog lived and followed the dirt path down the hill. As we were walking the dogs owner and children drove past us waving on a quad bike. Wonder where they are off to? We past a field that was full of cows, ok so far but at the end of the field the gate was open. Dad, I don’t like the look of them, neither did mum or dad. Dad picked me up as we edged past them. They were pure giving us the evils!

Thankfully we got to the beach in one piece. Look Mum the quad bike. Sure enough the family was already in the water. I ran to the waters edge, come on the waters warm,

Poppys cant swim. End of. The water here was nice and warm and I even found a bit shallow enough to get to a small island. I even had water up to my shoulders, without a life jacket!

We dried off and decided to make tracks back to the nook. We took a short cut back through the gardens where I saw something very odd. Grrrrrrrrr, Grrrrrrrrr, Rough! Rough! Rough! Rough! I looked up at Dad then looked back at the golden monster then looked at dad again. “It’s OK Poppy, its not a real gorilla, its just a statue” he said. Mmmm if its not real what’s it doing in a forest then?
Dad’s shortcuts weren’t very short today. But its funny what you find when you get lost. We chanced upon another stone park. This one was very small and the stones were small too. I cocked my head at dad. “This is a stone park for doggies” he said. Stone park for doggies? Doggies are forever.
We made it back to the Nook but they had sold out of food. NO! Disaster! I wanted fishees and chips! Dinner tonight was cheese burgers from the Wee Island Café. It was nice but not as nice as fishees and chips from the Nook! Better get here early tomorrow.