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Daft Days 2022

Daft Days 2022

Wakey Wakey big stretches where am I, mmmm where’s Mum? Where’s Dad? Big shakees. THUD! This bed is higher than ours, I went down stairs and found Mum in the kitchen. So what we up to today then. “We are going to explore Nairn” said Mum. Never explored Nairn before, ok then. We left the Cosy Cottage and went through the warren that’s called Fishertown. Dad? If we are in Nairn why is this called Fishertown? “It’s because all the people that lived here were fishermen” he told me. Ok, I like fishermen they catch the fishees and Poppys loves Fishees. Look dad a harbour lets go. Hold on, what’s that Grrrrrrrrr woo woo woo woof! Dad. Mum. Keep Back! “Its all right Poppy, it is just a statue” said Dad. Mmmmm don’t like the look’s of statue.  

poppy the westie and fisherwoman nairn

Look at all of Betsy’s friends Mum, she could have come and slept here. “If we came in Betsy we couldn’t have staid at the cosy cottage, Betsy wouldn’t have fitted through the lanes.”  Mmmm, but we could have staid here on the harbour. Loud barking came from one of the motorhomes and a dog jumped out and started shouting at me. I gave him a stair, what’s got his harness in a twist I thought. I walked past him ignoring him, I wanted to explore the pier. Always good smells on a pier.

poppy the westie at nairn harbour

From the end of the pier I could see for miles. I could see the snow on the hills of the Black Isle, but more importantly I could see miles of sand. I looked up at Mum cocked my head and nudged her with my paw. “Ok Poppysocks, I see it too, lets go”

poppy the westie on nairn beach

A perfect beach for a game of ball. Firm sand that doesn’t get in my eyes and Mr Wind was nowhere to be seen. The beach was massive and we had it all to ourselves, well almost.

poppy the westie on nairn east beach

We played ball for a bit then the run through mum’s legs game. I wonder how far it is to the end.

poppy the westie running on nairn beach

We walked and walked and walked. I don’t think we will get to the end this morning. I looked back we have come some distance.

poppy the westie looking back to nairn

I spotted a log. Poppys loves to climb. No rocks on this beach but at least they gave me a log to play on. “Dad”, I said as I looked to the end of the beach, “I don’t think we will get to the forest at the end of it”, He turned round and said “Your right Poppy, best leave it for another day. We need to get into town for supplies for steak pie day”.

poppy the westie on log at nairn beach

We turned and headed back. The pier was just a dot, miles and miles away. Better get a trot on need to get to the butchers.

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