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Poppy Bags Ulva

Poppy Bags Ulva

Normally when we go camping Betsy usually gets a nice rest. Not today. She was up early and soon back on the road again. She headed across the island and up the other coast. She pulled over where a lot of peoplesees were looking out to sea. What they looking at? Mum and Dad got out and peered across the sea. “Otters Poppy, Look” MMM cant see a thing.

otter at Loch Na Keal

Other peoplesees came to join in. Dad shared his big glasses with them. Personally I’m not fussed with ottersees.

poppy the westie at Loch Na Keal

Back in Betsy Mum rolled the window down so I could put my head out. I don’t know why peoplesees don’t do this. It’s brilliant. The road got smaller the further we went. The sky looked if it was going to burst into tears. So where are we going then? “We are going to another island called Ulva” said mum. Is that it? “No Poppy that’s Eorsa” she said. Mmmm Ok then.

view to the isle of Eorsa

Betsy pulled off the road, I recognise this place. We have been here before, not much here so why we stopping? We left Betsy and walked to some buildings.

poppy the westie at the Ulva Ferry

I couldn’t believe the number of cars, it was deserted the last time we came here. At the jetty it was the same loads of peoplesees. I hope Ulva is big enough for all these peoplesees. Ended up they were all going to Staffa. Getting a ferry to Ulva is a strange affair. You have to call it using a strange sign. Dad made the sign red and sure enough a boat came, how cool is that!

the ferry call board

The ferry came very quickly and it didn’t take long to get to Ulva. “Another Island Bagged Poppy” said dad. Yip I must have been to thousands by now. Lets explore.

poppy the westie bags Ulva

We first stopped the ferry bothy to pick up a map of the island. Mum also picked up a fridge magnet.

poppy the westie in the ferry bothy Ulva

Enough of the shopping lets explore. We followed a path that took us down to the coast. The path was nice and easy going.

poppy the westie on Ulva

Then we went to a walled garden.

Poppy the westie in the walled garden Ulva

The grass was great for a roll about in. Mum, Dad, you got to try this.

poppy the westie rolles in the grass

We left the garden and continued along the path. I came across something strange. Look Dad somebody has built steps out of stone to get over the wall. This is better than being lifted over.

poppy the westie climbs a stone style

A little while later my nose started to twitch. Mmmmm Cows. Not ordinary cows. I know this smell. Sniff, sniff. It’s the big beasties with horns! Better be careful, they can be nasty. 

wild highland cows

The rest of the walk was uneventful. Mum and dad were feeling peckish so we stopped off at the Boathouse.

poppy the westie at the boathouse Ulva

It was great. First I got ham and carrots. Mum got soup but dad got smoked trout. If dad gets smoked trout Poppys get smoked trout. Smoked trout is so yummy.

poppy the westie looking for some smoked trout

After lunch dad called the ferry and soon we back on Mull.

poppy the westie on the jetty at the ulva ferry

Betsy struggled on the wee road that hugged the coast. Dad was quite flustered. Eventually we rounded a headland and there was the big and beautiful Calgary beach. Betsy rolled into a car park but dad turned white, “£10 to park! They are having a giraffe!” he said. Betsy rolled right out again. She doubled back and parked on the road. Soon we were on the beach.

poppy the westie at calgary beach

Well since we are here I might as well dip my paws.

poppy the westie in the sea at calgery beach

Walking along the beach although it was cloudy it was nice going for a plod. I wonder what it would be like living in the big house. I think I would be on the beach every day.

the big house at calgery

I couldn’t believe my luck, Dad put his hand in his pocket and there it was…..Ball! Bliss. Since my operation I have only played ball once. Ball! Ball! Ball!

Poppy the wastie playing ball on Calgary beach

Back at Betsy all that ball had tired me out. Still its nice to be tired and it’s a long time since I had sand on my schnozz.

poppy the westie with sandy nose

The sun was out when we got back to camp so we all sat out. The Waverley steamed past which ment it was time to finish our drinks and get ready for dinner.

old and new

Tonight we are going out for dinner. Mum wanted to try a place called “The Taste of Mull”. What do they sell there mum? “Fish and Chips” she said. MMMMMMmmm poppys loves fishees and chips. On the way there I got into a fight with a big colly. Dad had to pick me up and went to kick it. That’s when Mum started to shout at it. Better be worth it this taste of Mull.

poppy the westie outside the taste of mull

Well I never had fishees and chips. I had Squidees! Poppys favourite in the whole wide world. It was still light when we left. Nasty colly was no where to be seen, good. As we got back to camp Mr Sun was going to bed. Time for Poppys to go to bed.

sunset at aros

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