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Bogs and a Cup Final

Bogs and a Cup Final

Up early this morning because we are going on a big walk and must be back so Dad can watch the Cup Final. We walked up to the village and headed along the main road to Tobermory. On the way the old boats are looking even more worse for wear than last time.

salem boats Mull

Across the bay the posh white house was glowing in the morning sun. No time to hang about though.

the white house salem

We crossed the road and passed through a gate into the woods. The path started to climb up the hill. Soon we were in the open countryside with views across the sound of Mull.

Sailboat on the sound of Mull

We passed many fields and came up to the grand old farmhouse, my nose was twitching though. Horny Beasties around. Better be careful.

poppy the westie at the big farmhouse

When we got to the farmyard it was full of them. Dad called over to the farmers wife and asked if it was safe to cut through. “They are friendly, just daft teenagers come on through” she said. As we escaped she asked where we were going. When we told her she warned us about checking for ticks.

The last time we did this walk Dad nearly lost one of Docks in a really boggy bit of the walk. Well this time was just as bad. Bogs Bogs Bogs. We had to take some big detours to avoid them. It did get better when we entered the woods.

poppy the westie enters the salem woods

This part of the path is the only place in Mull that you can see both the sound of Mull and the west coast of Mull.

poppy the westie and the west coast of Mull

We headed back towards the village, not before I had a stop to take on some water.

poppy the westie above the sound of Mull

As we came down the hill the forrest got greener and greener. They must have had some storm because there were a lot of trees upended.

poppy the westie comming out of the woods

The path took us out of the woods and back to the village at the old church.

poppy the westie at the old church salem mull

Back at camp Mr Sun was out in full force. Dad was watching the football and was not very happy. His team got beaten in the last minute of the game. Never mind dad Mr Sun is out have a glass of daft juice.

poppy the westie in the sun at salem

The Waverley steamed by time to get ready for dinner then. We are going back to the Taste of Mull, Dad fancy’s a venison burger. We got there with no harassment from the nasty colly.

the waverley on the sound of Mull

Dinner was good. Dad got them to batter his burger, They had never heard of that before. Obviously don’t come from Glasgow then. I got some of Dads burger and Mum gave me some of her fishees.

poppy the westie finds the chippy

The walk back to camp was nice, lots of smells. It was getting late though, nearly time for Mr Sun to go to bed.

poppy the westie at sunset in salem

When I got back to Betsy it didn’t take long for all the walks to their toll. I crashed out as soon as got there.

poppy the westie crashed out at salem

Time for beddy boes.

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