Back on the road
Yesterday we got a ferry to Dunoon in Argyle. It was good to be back in Betsy. She took us over hills, through glens all the way to Portavadie.

Quickly camp was setup and we were in hollybags mode Mum and dad were happy as the sky was changing from grey to pink and red. I chilled out for the rest of the evening till the sun went to bed.

Today Mr sun had come out to play. Our neighbour at camp warned Dad about ticks. Poppys don’t like nasty ticks. Better be careful. There are no ticks in camp though but we were heading into the woods.

It was nice and cool in the woods but I still worked up a thirst chasing all the smells.

On we went, the paths to the sea loch were very overgrown, the ferns towered over my head so much I could hardly see the sky. Every now and then there would be a break and I could see the loch. Look Mum it’s the ferry.

We will have to fight our way through it if we are to get to the beach. We crashed through the ferns it was heavy going, when we got there a peoplesee was removing 17 ticks from himself, ticks can’t get you if you are on a rock!

The thing about sea lochs is that they are great for cooling your paws but pure rubbish for drinking.

At the end of the beach a nice burn made its way to the loch. The water tasted nice and sweet. Mum, Dad, hurry up you will be able to get across here.

At the end of the beach there were large rocks, the perfect for a nice picnic. Mum and dad had fancy pieces with cheese and ham with red berries and green leaves. How come you are allowed to eat grass but as soon as I have a munch you stop me?
After picnics me and dad climbed some rocks to have a peek at the bay round the corner, Mum was worried because it was a bit steep for Dad.
Time to head back. First another drink, well mum and dad had a can of juice. Carefull on the stones mum.
On the way back my nose started to twitch, what is that smell? Sniff, sniff sniff sniff. Nose to the pebbles I tracked the smell, “NO POPPY!” shouted dad. What’s up dad? This can’t hurt me. “You will get a sore nose if you touch that Poppy, It’s a jellyfish and it will sting you” he said. Mmmmm is dad pulling my paw again? Better safe than sorry.
Well dad ready to smash through the ferns? It’s funny how the ferns are so tall and thick at the beach but in the woods the going is easy.
We got back to Betsy safe and sound and tick free! For dinner we went to the restaurant in the camp’s marina. Dinner was nice, I got fishees!