Poppy goes back to Mull
Wakie wakie, big yawnsees and big streachees. Betsy’s door was open so I jumped out into the field for sniffs. Mum and dad were already up, mmmm, beter eat breaky. Harness on we left camp, I just can’t be bothered today, Mum do we have to go walkies? Mum and Dad stomped off down the wee road to the village I watched them get smaller and smaller then they disappeared. Oh no they have gone! Panic Paws! I soon caught them up. OK where we going? We are going back to Mull Poppy. Poppys likes Mull, OK I’ll come. As we got to the ferry road the sky started crying. Quick get into the Hotel for cover.
Windy and wet, Poppy hates windy and wet, Dad said we couldn’t stay any longer so we had to out into the cold and brutal. Down the road to the sea we trotted, cold water splashing up to my tummy. DAD it’s cold, I’m going no further. “Hurry up Poppy” said dad, The ferry is coming in.
Poppys likes ferrys, poppys likes ferrys better when the cold wet and windy stops. Suddenly just as we got on the boat it did. Can we go upstairs dad? Soon we were off to Mull. As ferry got closer I could see the lighthouse where I played ball last year.
Soon we were back on the island. Sniff, sniff sniff, mmmm fish and chips, how good is a place that smells of fish and chips in the morning?

Mum before we explore can we play ball on the beach? Ball Ball Ball

Mum explored the shops and wanted to buy a big deersees head, I can see why antlers are a great chew, dad was not as sure. Dad look at the size of the antlers! That would last me for years!
Can we go up the hill and see my friend at the hotel? “Poppy we don’t stay at the hotel anymore” Grrrrrrrrrr. We passed by the hotel and went to the golf course. Golf courses are great. Lots of space to play ball.

I was getting hungry, mum dad can we get some food? I’m Starving!! We were going to eat at a place called the Tobermory Scullery, Some peoplsees in camp said it made great fishees and chips. When we got there the really nice peoplsee gave us place to sit and brought me a nice bowl of water. The Tobermory Scullery is the place I discovered LOBSTERSEES! Lobstersees are very very scrummy, they are almost as scrummy as squidees.

After dinner mum went to but dears head. We had just enough time for one last game of ball on the beach

Too soon the ferry came in and we were going back to get Betsy. It was so cold on the ferry mum let me hide from the wind in her coat. Mum and dad liked the views but I was glad it was over and out of the wind.
On the way back to Betsy dad wanted to go visit an old church. It wasent far, why not lets go. The church was great lots of places to climb.
Back to betsy and rests.