When we got up the campsite was buzzing, Motorhomes and camper vans all moving out. It was a gray day and windy when I went my morning walk. When we got back after breakfast mum and dad got betsy ready to go. We trundled out of the park and onto the open road, through the village and up. The first place we stopped was the creamery at Kilmory, yum, I love arran cheese! Disaster it was closed, so on we went, stopping at Kilmory village hall and went out for a walk.

We walked through a wood where the fairies lived, past their houses which were built into the base of trees, all the doors were different colours. The woods were full of smells. We wondered down the path to Torrylinn Cairn that the peopolsees of Arran built 3000 years ago. It was good to run around.

We continued down the path across a big field where I got to play ball until two nasty collies came by. The growled and snarled at me so I growled back. We got to the beach and it was very pebbly, big pebbly. There was a strip of sand in the middle so that meant one thing BALL.

Time to go back to Betsy, we walked up a dirt track road and at the main road two of my cousins were being very noisy, I went to say hello to them and they quietened down. Back to Betsy and off.
We went up the islands windy roads, some were twisty some went up and down up and down. At lunch time Betsy pulled over next to the sea. The sun was out mum made sandwiches and I got some ham. After lunch we were off again.

As we came into Lochranza Betsy stopped and dad got out at the ferry terminal. The office was closed but dad met the peoplsees who were in the old red caravan behind us in seal shore. Betsy took us to the camp site, we got the same spot as last year because Betsy was too heavy for the grass.
Mum took me out for a walk it was good getting familiar with woods and golf course again. It was then that I remembered, Dear lots of dear to chaise, Mum was a spoil sport and put my lead on me. The rest of the day was lazy, the sun came out and we played ball in the camp. Mum managed to hit the motorhome next to Betsy with the ball, I never know where the ball is going when mum through it.

The last walk of the day the camp was quiet and still, it was very dark and only a few vans had lights on. We walked under the star filled sky to the putting green where dad let me off lead. I was running around at top speed when dad noticed big shapes inside the camp. Deer, there were red deer in the camp. A daft peoplsee must have left the gate open. Dad put my leash on and back to betsy and bed.