When we woke up it was a grey day. Mum took me for my walk. We had breakfast and mum went out to talk to granny and grampa. She had to go to the distillery because her phone didn’t work in the campsite. Before long it started to rain when mum got back she was carrying a paper bag that was all soggy. In the bag was a picture and a new hangy thing for Betsy. Dad switched on his computer mum got on here ipad time for me to snooze.

Bacon for lunch yum, after walks. We went over the golf course I had to stay on lead. As we reached the road the big dear were just over the fence. Mum and dad don’t let me chaise deer. We walked round the bay looking over to the castle on the other side. The sky was grey and the smir was so slight It didn’t even turn the pavement dark. Mum was getting annoyed because every inch of the walk was smell heaven. As we came to the end of the houses I met a nice Yorkie, we said our hallos and too soon onwards.

Round the next bend there were more seal monsters grrrrrr. The were too far from shore but that didn’t stop me from chasing them into the sea.

The road vanished and was replaced by a grass and pebble path. Time for ball. The rain stayed at bay as we plodded along the sea shore to the most northern point of the island The Cock of Arran. The path got a bit boggy in places mum was horrified at my new look. Black legs, peat puddles always make Poppys black. The upside was I got to play in the sea .

At the end of the bay was a cliff with lots of rocks, I couldn’t let the chance of rock climbing pass me by. Mum and dad were not convinced and wouldn’t come up with me, they didn’t want to go to North Sannox, so I had to go back down the hill.
We went back along the shore to Fairy Dell we climbed up the glen and on the other side were more fairy houses, I jumped across the burn to investigate, nope no fairies just their houses. So we climbed up the glen, as we did the trees became less and the top was moorland. Dad thought he discovered blue orchids mum was not too sure. Along the ridge it started to rain, good job we are going back to Betsy.

Suddenly dad put me on lead. In front of us was a huge ram! Dad picked up a stone in case it charged, daft dad doesn’t he know ALL sheep are scared of Poppys! We came down the hill into Lochranza as we got down to the shoreline the rain stopped and the sun started to peek out from behind the clouds. More deer, everywhere deer why won’t mum and dad let me chaise them? Never mind at the campsite I got off lead and even better got to play ball.