Nayburn Lock
We were away in Betsy early this morning after an hour we were in England. On and on and on went Betsy. As she left the motorway and the sky started to cry. She crossed England from one sea to another and still she headed south towards the sun. The sky stopped crying when she got to York. By now she was tired and looking for a place to rest, she found a nice place called Nayburn Lock and stopped for the night.
All unpacked it was time to explore. Mum Dad lests go, I have been dead good lets go play ball! We left the campsite onto a small lane, dad let me off leash, Ball Ball Ball. At the end of the lane noisy, loud sounds of thunder, I went to explore.
What is this place dad? “It’s a lock Poppy” mmmmm this is a noisy Lock, nothing like the ones at Crinnin or the ones 4 weeks ago at Falkirk!
Very odd this Lock, its got an island in the middle of it! But just like the one at Falkirk the sky cried so much I got drenched.

The island in the middle had lots of smells, but every time I went to investigate mum shouted “NO POPPY”. Dad got ball out, Its the first time I have been allowed to play ball on a Lock.

Mum, Dad lets go explore the river, look we can cross there!

When we crossed the lock we were on another island, this one made out of stone, look another bridge.

Finally we made it back to our side. The sky stopped crying and we went to explore the river. The paths were very muddy and slippy Dad was finding hard to walk when we came to a clearing Dad decided to go back.

When we got back to the Lock dad got talking to a peoplsee, The peoplsee was fishing. Dad asked if the path went all the way to York. The peoplsee told him you cant go that way as it comes to a dead end. Looks like we will have to find another way to Yorks. On the way back to Betsy we passed a big building that had a cart outside with food on it, can we get some dad? ” No Poppy you wouldn’t like it”, how you know?

Dad was getting dinner from van at the front of the campsite, as soon as he went to get it the sky started bawling hundreds of tears, so me and mum went to help dad with an umbrella. Better stay inside Betsy tonight.