MacNeil's Beach
I woke up on top of dad this morning, mum was already making brecky. Harness on, leash on, door open, off to the sea shore. We hadn’t got past Betsy when it happened. PAIN! YELP! A big black dog had its big sharp teeth in me. Dad help! Dad kicked it in it’s belly, It let go, Dad kicked it again and lifted me up, Dad! look out another one! Dad kicked that one too, Dad started shouting at them until their owner came to get them and shouted at their owner as well. He brought me back inside Betsy where mum checked me over for damage. I was frightened and too shaky for treats. No damage but it was still soar. I never even saw it coming at me. Mum cuddled me till I calmed down. Betsy thought it was a good idea to leave, I’m with Betsy, I want to get far away from the nasty dogs. Betsy sprung into life and we were leaving Kilchoan. No sooner than we were leaving we were in a traffic Jam. Dad? Why is the boat flying? Boats aren’t meant to fly are they?
Betsy went the same way as she went yesterday and stopped in the same spot above Portuairk. Funny the same dog was barking away in the distance, just like yesterday. We walked down to the village, unlike yesterday we turned left. Dad spoke to a nice peoplsee who lived in the village, she gave us directions to a secret beach, Dad, Dad, can we go? We walked to the end of the village and started to clime a gully, at the top it opened out into moorland. Dad you can see Sanna Beach from here! Is MacNeil’s beach as good?
Over the moor we plodded on. First upwards then down the other side of the hill until we came to an abandoned croft. Dad can we go to the sea? The beach must be down their. “Poppy we can’t” said dad “its fenced off and there’s no gate.” Mum and dad helped me over a ginormous style, and we followed the path beside a big fence. At the end was a gate to a campsite and it looked locked. Lucky for us it was open. We soft pawed through the campsite towards the sea and BEACH! Come on! This way! Shake a paw!
Beach to ourselves, just us, BALL. MacNeil has a really nice beach, mum can we get one?

This is a special beach the sand is just perfect for ball. Bestis of all it’s got two sides! Lets play on this side now! No wonder peoplsees keep it a secret.

After a while we were suddenly hungry, picnicsees? We climbed a dune and had picnicsees on top of it. Mum and dad listened to football on iphone I went exploring, lots of new smells

After a rest back to beach. I jumped down from the dunes on to a rock and zoomed across the sands. Time to go, one last look at the secret beach. Dad? Is that a short cut over there by the river? Pathfinder Poppy to the rescue, the short cut brought us out at the croft!

Back at Portuairk mum shouted “Poppy, No!”. Too late, this puddle is great! Peat puddle feels great on your paws! My joy was short lived as dad picked me up and dumped me into the river for a clean. The river was freeeeeeeezing.

As we got back to camp I was totally on guard, I will be ready if nasty dogs are around. When we got there they had gone. Tent, van, cables all gone. I better stand guard encase they sneak back and try to attack us.
They didn’t come back, good. Poppy hates nasty vicious black dog. We were going back to the Kichoan Hotel for dinner along the way I found chickens crossing the road, Dad, why they do that?
On and on we went. We passed a sign for the camp site that said it was a mile away, some peoplsee had scribbled out the 1 and wrote 2, that mad dad smirk, Spot Betsy.
At the hotel I had a rest, a wee nap till the main course comes
Dinner was great, fishees, meats, yum. Food over time to go back to Betsy The walk home was no shorter, even in the dark.