Glasgow Necropolis
Today I got up as normal, down the stairs, lick for mum, lick for dad, up to the window to see what is going on in my street. A dog was walking up so I growled and barked at him, cheek, walking on my street. Then I thought, what if the back door is open? I could give him what for from the back to. Off the window, into kitchen, flaps open but noooooo, the big gate is shut. Mmmmmm, I bark at him anyway. Job done breaky.
After breaky instead of my morning patrol of the block we all got into Mini and were off. We went to granny and grampa’s part of toun, but did not go to visit them. Mini stopped next to a big, big, big church. The air smelled of dads beer. We walked up to a bridge, because the bridge never had windows down to where it crossed I got to play ball.

On the other side we played ball all the way along a path that went up a steep hill. At the top of the hill two police pepolesees were standing in front of a big pole with a man on top of it. Dad said it was John Knox. He asked them why they were protecting the statue? “It was because of an anti-slavery march” they told him. “Odd” said dad, “ Don’t they know John Knox was a galley slave?”, “Obviously not said the police peoplsees. Enough dad I barked lets play ball!

At the top of the hill there are lots of good places to play ball. I like playing ball in these new parks dad is taking us to. Lots of stones to jump over and the grass is nice and short.

The other good thing about these new parks is the smells. They are not full of just peoplsees and dog smells, but other new smells. Is this what dear and rabitsees smell like?

After bit more play at the top I met another dog. He had his own ball and was friendly enough, no time to chat, lets explore more.

We wandered over the top of a park I got to play amongst the stones.

The path headed downhill to another big field full of stones. This field was surrounded by a big wall. It smelled of beer down here, everywhere the smell of beer. Dad said it was because of the well park factory. Dad, you said we were in necropoliseees not well parks.

The grey skys started to cry, we wandered back up the hill.

We came out close to the big statue. Some of the stones here were like tables. I like this, I can jump up on them to get a better view.
There was a very big house in the corner, I wonder who lives here? I had a good sniff but did not smell any peoplsees, grrrrrrrrrrr very strange.
Time to go back to mini. Suddenly I could smell meat! Off I went. Nosey to ground in a few blinks of eyesees found it, but what was it? NO POPPY NO shouted mum. She chased me away from the smell. Its meat mum, not nice meat but still meat. No dice.
Mum and dad shooed me down the path, the sky had stopped crying but it was time to go back to mini. Over the bridge we went past the big church to Mini and Home. I liked this new park.