Frosty Linn Park
Today I was feeling much better, I got my breakfast bickies and had a nibble of last nights dinner. I put my head through puppy flap took a big sniff, cold, cold, cold. We were going for an early walk today because mum and dad want to get back in time to watch the Rangers Celtic game. Jumpers on we got into mini and were offski. Mini stopped at Linn Park. Normally we don’t go here in winters time because the paths are very muddy, today jack frosty has made them hard. Down the hill we went over the bridge and onto the path. It has been ages since I have been here, lots of smells.
Down the hill I made straight for the river. Mum and dad were worried that I would fall in because of the ice, no danger, poppys have built in crampons!
When we got to the beach it was time for a game of ball. We didn’t have the beach to ourselves. Two peoplsees were having a picnic with there dog. Poor soul only had one eye and was rescued from Spain! He is doing well with the language. I said goodbye logs to explore.
After the logs I wanted a drink, the rivers water is nice and cool. It was very noisy though because of the big waterfall. Linn is the only park we go to that has a waterfall.

I was playing ball when I noticed Max from up our street with his mum. Dad quick pick up the ball! Ball thief about! You can’t be too careful with max. As we walked to the top of the waterfall lots of peoplsees were slip sliding on the path, one fell on her bum, it looked sore. Mum better be careful.

Time to head back, over the bridge we went and into the woods. Smells are different on this side of the river.

We played ball all the way back to mini. Dad said we had plenty of time to get back before the football. When we got home me and mum warmed up by the fire. Poppys loves fires.

Dad got very stressed watching the football he kept on shouting at the telly box. I figured he needed help so I barked at the telly box too. It was very tiering watching dad watching the game. At the end he was exhausted! Would have hated to se him if Celtic won. Too tired time for a nap.