Up early and off, no brecky. Down at the port Betsy got a good spot. Mum and me went to the waters edge for a last look.
![mum in elba](https://poppysocks.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/mum-in-elba.jpg)
Now the madness begins, all the cars, peoplsees and Betsys rush to get on. Betsy was quick off her mark and I got a choice if seats.
![poppysocks claims her spot on blu nave ferry](https://poppysocks.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/poppysocks-claims-her-spot-on-blue-nave-ferry.jpg)
On the ferry a small German peoplsees played with me as dad took some photos of the Island. I wasn’t long before we were allowed to go back to Betsy. I always feel sorry for her left all on her own on ferries.
![Betsy all crowded in on Blu Nave Ferry](https://poppysocks.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Betsy-all-crouded-in-on-Blu-Nave-Ferry.jpg)
Off we go again. After a stop at Eurospin we join the bumpy road that takes us to the Autostrada. Its hot in Betsy so I go for a snooze on mum. Hours later we come off. The new road is steep and very twisty. Betsy has to go really slowly. Mum wants to buy a train pass so we go to the station. Nobody was at the station so mum never got a ticket. Off to the new camp we go.
Betsy got a good spot at the new camp. It was a wee bit shaded by trees. Good for me to snooze under.
![Betsy all settled at deiva marina](https://poppysocks.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Betsy-all-settled-at-deiva-marina.jpg)
Tonight we went out for dinner. I got something called squidsees. I like squidsees, yum, I like squidsees alot!
![poppy the westie at Camping La Sfinge Deiva Marina](https://poppysocks.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/poppy-the-westie-at-Camping-La-Sfinge-Deiva-Marina.jpg)