The Great Carradale Canter
The rain was very loud last night and today the sky was as grey as ever. Slowly we got our act together and were going for a walk. The dreaded onesie came out, aww dad, why the equifleeces? Beach is not muddy. I reluctantly let him put it on. We were doing the Carradale Canter route but backwords. We were also going to add a side trip to Port Righ. We left Betsy and followed the path to the beach. Something was off, there was a car on the beach. Odd never seen a car here before. Ho Hum I looked to mum, she looked at dad, Dad…..Ball?
Dad takes out ball and I’m ready. I keep my eye on his face and arm, he looks up, his arm goes back and I’m off. Poppys have learned where ball will go. As fast as I can I run, ears pined back and the wind rushes over my nose, faster and faster until I hear the bounce. Quick change of direction I see it. Faster, faster until it’s in catching distance, head up ears forward, focus, watch the bounce of the ball and then…. pounce, ha, clear catch and no sand in my eyes, slide to a stop. Ball is great fun.
Again Again
We left the beach at the end following the path to Carradale. It was narrow and marked with signs for the peoplsees who were running in the canter today. It wasn’t long before we met the front runners. As they were going past two peoplesees stopped to talk to me and give me scratches. They had westies before and you could tell, they knew what westies likes
The runners continued to pass but this is where we left them to go to Port Righ. Port Righ was empty. I followed my nose down to the beach. Empty. MMM not played ball in bit, dad?
Port Righ is small, so soon we were heading to Carradale Pier via the golf course. Making the same mistake as last year we followed a path to nowhere and had to double back. Dad I did say I should have went first, dafty.
On the golf course dad to onesie off me, I was so glad it hot with equifleece on. Golf courses are good for games of ball. I like the way the ball bounces.
At the port I explored the pier lots of good smells, mum and dad watched the Canter Runners return to the finish line. Time to get back to Betsy for lunch.
The sky sobbed back at camp but in the afternoon it stopped for a bit. I went to Betsy’s door, Scratch scratch, scratch. “Ok Poppy lets go” I jumped out and headed for the beach.
In the distance I could see Hamish and Roory. I met a puppy, couldn’t be bothered with him too young and daft. Dad walked on but so couldn’t be bothered. Eventually he had to come back for me. Dad lets get back to Betsy.
One last game of ball on the grass?