Poppy goes back to Turnberry
Mum and dad packed up big blue with lots of my stuff, the even packed my crate, my buggy and my bed! As usual Dad picked me up carried me down the stares and into Big Blue. Where we going dad? Mum drove us south to a place called Ayr. The last time I was here was years ago. We got out and went to a pub called the Fox and Willow. Dad went in and came out with a man who took us to a big plastic igloo. Never been in an igloo before.

Dinner was great, I got some of Dad’s burger and mum gave me lots of her roast beef. It was all washed down with a nice cool bowl of water.

After we went down to the esplanade to walk off lunch. It didn’t last long because I’m not allowed to walk far since my operation. We jumped back into Blue and she took us to somewhere I recognised. It was a bug posh hotel called Trump Turnberry. Its been a wee while since we were hear ahy Dad. If I remember right this place is great for ball. “Sorry Poppy, you are not fit enough for ball”, said Dad. Does the president still live here? “No Poppy he is not the president anymore”, said Mum. Poor Donald, it must be weird for him to be unemployed.
As we waited to check in a nice peoplesee came up to me and gave me treats. Duck and rosemary YUM! All checked in we went to explore our room. It was the exact same as last time. Nice big cushion to lie on. A ginormous chew stick and a torch with built in poo bags. The last one just died during the summer. Another torch for Betsy Mum. The bed was as big as I remembered. It was huge. No way can I jump onto that.

Mum thought she was funny putting me the bath, thankfully there was no water in it, hold on, Vet said I was to get no baths for six weeks. Mum, get me out of here, now.

Mum and Dad did their usual disappearing act at dinnertime. Never mind, I had a huge TV to watch, they better bring me back something good.

Next day after my morning walk Mum and Dad went out to get me breakfast. They came back with smoked salmons and parma ham, Yum. After I went to explore. At the bottom of the staircase was a massive Christmas tree. This wouldn’t fit in our living room.

That’s when I saw it, fire. Poppys loves fires. This one was very toasty but had one problem. No rug in front of it to lie down on. Dad you better let them know a posh hotel like this should have a rug in front of the fire.

The front of the hotel was exactly how I remembered it, The weather was better the last time though.

Dad went to get Big Blue and packed all our stuff in the back of it. Time to go home. I said my goodbyes to the hotel peoplesees while I waited for the car to come. Bye Turnberrys!