Birthdays, Football and turning 6
The last few days have been weird. House has an extra person in it as Uncle Jimmy from America came to stay. He sounds funny and is always very tired almost a tired as me but that’s because he needs to take more naps. He doesn’t hang about with me and is always going out. I don’t mind coz I always have dad to hang out with and granpa always comes over to play and take me walks. Afternoons are for snoozing in doughnut poppys likes doughnuts.

Later Uncle Jimmy came back and spoke with dad for a bit before mum came home. Mum and dad were in the red room working on a cake. What you doing to cake? What do you have to do with cake? Cake is for one thing…..eating. Mum was rushing about, uncle jimmy was getting ready to go out, me, well dad put my Scotland top on me. Not had this shirt on in a while, we watching football dad? “Scotland are playing Moldova Poppy and you have the luck shirt. Every time you wear it Scotland doesn’t lose.”

Before the game started mum vanished! Dad where’s mum? She not watching the game? “No Poppy, and neither are we” said dad. Mmmm how not? Dad put my posh harness and leash on me, we must be going out. Soon me, dad and Uncle Jimmy were walking into The Ivory Hotel and Granny and Granpa was there with mum!

It was Granny’s Birthday. She was 85! Mum had got a table in the bar so I could come, all the family together. On the table was a big balloon saying 85, I was not allowed to play with Balloon, spoilt sports. The best bit about going to the Ivory is they make me chicken and carrot. Chicken and carrot is great, yum, yum, yum, yum. I got so much I even let the poor doggy at the next table have my carrots.

Everybody was tucking into dinner when peoplesee from the bar came over and gave me another bole of chicken and carrot! This is just like Christmas! Its not my birthday it’s Grannys, where’s hers? Din dins over we were all going back to mine when suddenly Granpa grabbed me and I was flying in mid air! Mum Dad help! Granpa is dognapping me!

He was only giving me a lift home but why? I’m a big girl and can walk up the road by myself. Back at home Mum brought cake out, it was on fire! Luckily Granny managed to blow out the fire so it could be eaten. I got a bit and it was pawesome. Scotland won the football match and everyone was happy. Later Granny and Granpa went to their own home, I was shattered so went foe a snooze in doughnut.

Saturday morning and the sky was blue Mum was out with her pals, Uncle Jimmy was out with his pals so me and dad spent the day in the garden. Sunday morning Granny and Granpa came over and we were going on a grand day out to Callander. Why dad not coming? “He has to work in garden Poppy” said mum, Mmmmm OK then. I went for walks and a game of ball with Granpa and Uncle Jimmy while mum and Granny played in the shops, I just don’t get why shops are fun. Sunday night was quiet, Uncle Jimmy went out so it was just me mum and dad watching the magic box till bedtime.
Monday morning I met my pal Bernhard the Schnauzer he was coming back from the park with his mum. His mum was not happy. Why your mum not happy Bernhard? “Got caught eating vomit” he said, mmmm Bernhard, your daft! Why eat vomit? Vomit makes you sick. I take it you have stopped eating fox poo ya dafty? Got to go today is a special day. Today is a very special day. Another birthday. This time it was mine! I’m 6 years old! 79 years younger than Granny! Mum came home at lunchtime specialy to see me. When granpa came over he had prezzys for me! Can I open them now granpa?

Well that didn’t take long, I got a badge for harness and two new toys.

It seems like if there is a birthday there is a Football match to Celebrate and on my birthday Scotland are playing Denmark. But before the match I got more birthday presents. The first was a box. What’s this? “It’s an advent calendar Poppy” mmmmm ok, next one, next one, it smells great!
Sausages! My favourite! YUMM!
After sausages we watched the football. Dad was getting very excited, every time he shouted at the magic telly box I gave him back up and barked at it too. I barked a lot, so much that at half time I needed a big drink of water.
The lucky shirt seemed to work. Scotland won 2 – 0. Thanks guys for trying so hard on my Birthday. This was a good birthday.