Three beaches and a castle
It’s the weekend and when I got up Mum and Dad were both in the house. Mum was unpacking the big shop and dad was faffing about with bags. Big stretch. My special door to the outside was open, put my nose out and sniff the air, mmmm water, mmmm brecky. Another big stretch, what’s dad doing with my stuff? No time to think about it harness on walkies.
The walk was uneventful, never met any of my friends but when we got back I knew something was up. My bag of stuff had grown and my water and dindins bowl had plastic round them. More bags had appeared in the hall, mmmm.
Dad humphed the bags into Mini, Mum never took my harness or lead off so I knew I was going with the bags into Mini. Soon we were all in Mini and heading to grampa and grannys house. When we got there only mum got out. So I’m not going on holiday to grampa’s it must be an adventure!
With mum back in Mini we were off and heading south. Soon the view from Mini had changed from lots of houses to a few houses to no houses only hills and trees, time for a nap. Dad woke me up, he was shouting at mums black box with the woman inside it. “No Way is it the third exit!” “we’re going back the way we came!” I left him to it and went back to sleeps.
When I woke up dad was getting out the car Yelp, Yelp, Yelp, Yelp don’t leave me dad. Mum got annoyed “POPPY YOUR HURTING MY EARS! SHOOSH!” Dad came back opened the door and let me out, GRUFF, RUFF, ROUGH, AOOWL I announced myself. We walked up and down the main street new smells.

We went in to a café called the Crafty Crow, Mum and dad got food and coffee they gave me water and a biscuit. I had a slurp of water but didn’t fancy the biscuit. Dad gave me some of his sausage, sniff sniff, I looked at dad. Did he not realise this might look like sausage smell a bit like sausage but it’s not sausage. Crafty Crow indeed, I’m not eating that! More peoplsees came in and another two dogs followed by another couple and their collie. By the time the next couple came in the café was full. The last couple’s dogs were big and nasty they picked a fight with the two small dogs at the table next to them. Mum time to go get me away from them. Out we went back to Mini.

Off into the countryside again. The roads got smaller and smaller and bumpier till poor Mini was bouncing all over the place. Mini came to rest on some grass beside the sea. We were in Carrick Bay. Soon I was on the beach playing ball it was great! We went to explore the other side of the headland but the tide was in so no sands to play on, back to Mini.

Just as we got to the brow of the hill I smelled something, mmm not sure but I think it’s something for poppys to chaise! Then I saw it! Rabbitsies. In a blink of an eye I was tearing up somebody’s garden and round the back of their house. I could hear mum and dad shouting me back as if I’d give up a chase! Sleekit rabitsies vanished better go back. Did you see me go dad! Did you see me go mum? Mum and dad were not impressed.

Mini hobbled along the bumpy path the woman in mums phone sent us in a circle back to the beach then took us further along the bumpy path. After an age the path turned back into road and we were off again! As Mini sped along the country road l saw lots of fields with sheeps and cows in them. The cows were not like the ones I’m use to with big pointy horns these were black and white and had no horns at all. Mini passed through villages and farms, we saw castles and towers. Mini stopped to let dad ask a man for directions, the man knew where we wanted to go so mini continued onwards. We pulled in to give mini a rest, we all got out and headed to a place called Brighouse Bay. This end of the bay was smelly and squelchy, but soon we were on the sands.

The beach was much larger than that at Carrick bay which could only mean one thing BALL! It was great playing on the sand I could run at top speed I even went into the water. There were no white horses to chase though because the sea was quiet, still it was nice to dip my paws. We had the beach mostly to ourselves, there was another dog on the beach he was young and his owners kept him close when I appeared. Fun over back to mini and off again.

Retracing her steps Mini took us back where the man gave us directions, this time we were aiming for Ross Bay and another windy small road. Soon the road came to an end at what looked like a farm. Mini sneaked in and stopped in a space next to a cottage. The cottage looked empty, so we got out to explore. Lots of smells but it was hard to get to the water. Eventually we clambered through the long grass, the ground was very strange. Bits of solid grass separated by water. The water didn’t look deep and the gaps between the clods were easy to jump. The beach was very small It was getting dark back to mini. A car came into the farm, dad thought it wanted to park where mini rested, so we hurried back. Car turned and drove away, mum thought they must have been lost.

Mini revved into life and zoomed us back to Gatehouse of Fleet. We stopped before the village at a car park. Mum and dad went up to a gate, but it was locked. To my surprise mum climbed over a wall. Next thing I was in the air as dad had lifted me up and passed me to mum. We were invading a castle. I charged up the hill and was soon at the ramparts of Cardoness Castle. When mum and dad got up the hill I was already on the second floor. Poppys likes Cardoness Castles. Lots of smells and good short grass to play ball and we had it all to ourselves, Cardoness Castles is great. By now night-time had creeped up so back to Mini.

A short ride and we stopped outside the Ship Inn. We emptied mini and went in. A young girl showed us to our room I explored. The bed was very big and mum put a chair beside it so I could get up on it. I didn’t need it, I could jump up on bed, but I used the step to please her. Once we had settled in We went back into town. Mum needed ice so we went over the bridge, passed the crafty crow back to the carpark from this morning. It was getting chilly so hurried back to the Inn. Mum and dad had sore bellies and did not know why. Hmmmm, I bet it was the dummy sausage the crafty crow sold them.