When I got up today Mum had already gone to works. I came downstairs into kitchens for brecky bickies when I noticed something very strange. Outsides was all white! Mmmmm better investigate. I jumped through puppy flap and sure enough the world was white! I has been ages since the world was white. Grough better check out the garden.
I checked the whole garden and thought I better investigate the decking and dads shed
Dad came out with the bin’s, rough better make sure there are no monsters in the bin lane. It’s OK dad no monsters up here today, you can take the bins out
Dad went back to work and I played out the back garden until grampa came over to go out for a walk.

Poor mum had been at work all day but manged to get home before it got dark. I met her at the top of the stairs and gave her lots of licks, Mum I have not seen you in ages! Dad put my harness on, we going out? “Poppy want to up the park?” said Mum

Park was great we got to play ball in the snow. It was full of peoplsees skiing, snowboarding and riding sledges. I have not seen so many peoplsees in park in a long time. Dad took us off the beaten path.

We went up to the flagpole then through the forest, even here there were peoplsees.

Lets go get squirlsees mum. It was not as easy for mum and dad to go down the hill as it was for them to go up. Poor mum and dad were sliding all over the place.

Back down the hill we went hunting squirlsees. I have been hunting Squirlsees here since I can remember, I know exactly where to find them.
Today was good day I got to chase five. As it was getting dark we headed for home. We didn’t go the normal way, we left at the Camphill avenue gate. As soon as we started walking along the avenue something very strange happened, mum let me off leash! It was great! I got to explore all the closes and gardens and everything.
We plodded along the streets in the snow. Because of the snow there were no cars in the streets, I suppose that’s why mum let me off leash. At the end of the street I could see one of my cousins, standing in a window, huh, he likes windows too, Must be a westie thing.
Back into our street I got to play ball. This is the first time I have played ball here in ages. Dad said to mum it was since the first week of lockdown last Easter.