Road to Keswick
We got up early today, as I was coming back from my walk betsy was all packed up and ready to go. We were off on another adventure. Betsy headed north and after a while she pulled into a lidl at Middlesbrough where mum and dad put on masks and left me to guard the van. Supplies replenished we were off again. Betsy left the big road and trundled into the countryside. We were all hungry because we never had breakfast, Betsy pulled up next to a roll in sausage van. Dad scored rolls in sausage they were great, three sausages in each roll!
Off again, we crossed the country from east to west and pulled into a small town. Betsy got lost and had to turn around. Then she started to climb a steep hill at the top she pulled off. Eventually she came to rest at a barrier where a nice man lead her to her rest place.

Mum and dad got out plugged betsy in got my leash out and as quickly as that we were off to town. Mum wanted to go to town because it was market day. Beside the campsite was a small overgrown path, the path took us down the hill. After a while we were walking through woodland with a big stream beside us. The path ended at a farm then we were back on roads.

The town was very busy, people everywhere, it was hard for me to keep out of there way. After a saunter around the town taking in the highlights it was time to go back to betsy. The walk back to Betsy was hard going my wee legs were killing me, up and up we went for miles and miles. When we got to Betsy I was shattered.

The rest of the day was very easy, eat drink, nap, walk. Mum and dad were happy because they could get a shower and a clean.

Later I explored the camp. I did not explore to mush because my paws were still sore….bed.