Waterfoot by kayak
Big yawns, open eyesees another beautiful day. We are going out in kayak again. Poppys likes kayaks. It didn’t start well. No mater what dad tried kayak wanted to go in another directions. Looks like we will be staying local then. Why don’t we explore the river? Once kayak entered the river she started to behave herself. Dad paddled through the village and moorings until the river got too shallow for kayak to go any further.

He turned her round and floated back to the village. It was so quiet, the only noise I could hear was the occasional splash of the paddle in the river.

Dad had another go at taking kayak to open water. Kayak was having none of it. Dad eventually had to fight with her just to get back to shore! As kayak was drying in the sun we went for a big walk on the beach, BALL!

All this running about in the sun makes Poppys hot. Good job beaches are next to the sea, the cool water on my paws was pure brilliant.

Nice and cool only one thing for it BALL BALL BALL

The beach is split in two by a river, dad had problems crossing it. On the other side I was being annoyed by a big black dog. He was just too big, too bouncy and too young. Lets get out of here, look can we go play on the rocks?

On the way back dad pointed out the campsite owners house. House? Dad that’s a castle! Campsite obviously pay well.

We are going home tomorrow, so dad got Betsy ready for an early start. It was much better this time here dad wasn’t it? The last time Mr Sun only came out on the last day and I had to were equafleece almost every time we went out.