Portree, Fairy Pools and Stein
Up early today, Mr Sun hadn’t even woken up yet.

Dad came with me on my walk this morning. I explored more of our new home.

I think Mr Sun will come out to play today dad, “you might be right Poppy”

Blue woke up and we were off again, wonder where we are going today. Well we knew we were there when we got there but where were we. Where we going? How about we just follow the people? “Sounds like a plan Poppy”.

We followed a path down a steep hill to a river, so what’s so special about this river.

Dad look at the waterfalls going into the pools. There were lots of them. Every time we walked further there was another one of them. Better than that though there were rocks to climb on.

It was the longest walk I have had in ages. I was getting tired so I gave mum a look. Mum picked me up and carried me for a bit. Time to go back to blue. We went a long way when Blue stopped for a rest in a small town called Portree. We all got out and went to explore. It was a nice wee town with colourful houses.

We plodded along the shopping street and went into a few shops. Its good when Poppys are allowed in shops. Poppys don’t like being left outside. Who is going to protect Mum if I’m outside? Next we took a dauner down to the harbour, lots of nice smells. One smell though was better than the rest. Mmmmm Fishees and chips! Can we get some?

It was not to be, tonight we are going out for dinner. Time to head home. I took ages to get home but Mum still had time to pop into Skye Skins to look for something new to wear. Blue also decided to have a rest on the side of the road. Mum you can see for miles here, dad said the islands were Harris and North Uist. We were there a few summers ago, seems like an age.
Rested Blue was off again. This time she took us to a wee place called Stein. “This is where we are coming for dinner tonight”, said Mum. Mmmm I wonder if they do fishees and chips.
It was starting to get dark better get back home. Even the wee boats knew it was time to go home.
Dinner was good. Dad carried me into the Inn because I had a sore leg. I could tell mum and dad were worried. It was just a twinge and soon went away when I got fishees yum. After dinner it was totally black. Even I had a hard time seeing. On the way back Blue nearly hit deersees what are deersees doing on the road? We all got back safe and sound and snuggled up in the nice warm cottage to bring in the bells.