Arthurs Seat and Melville Castle
It was the nicest day of the year so far. No equafleece for me! We were not going to home park this morning because we all got into mini. Where we going mum? “Somewhere you have never been before Poppy” she said. Adventures! As with all adventures the talking box lead mini up the garden path but eventually she stop and rested at a place called Edinburger. We all jumped out and headed for a big park. Well we’re here now, ball? I saw one of my cousins went to say hello but he was right up himself, mmm Edinburger westies are not friendly. Stuff him mum lets climb the hill!

There was a small road that went around the hill, great for ball. I met a nice wee girl there, bet she doesn’t come from Edinburger. Most of the peoplsees here didn’t come from Scotland never mind Edinburger. Mum why is it called Edinburger? I haven’t even had a sniff of one. Poppys loves burgers! We found a path that wasn’t too steep and started to climb the hill. It wasent long before mum and dad needed a rest. Hurry up Dad!

Up and up we went higher and higher, as we got close to the top it became much more fun. Look dad rocks to climb.

At the top was a strange block. Too high to jump on. Why are all the peoplesees going there? Sniff, Sniff. Nope it doesn’t even smell good. Dad told me this place was called Arthur’s Seat. Mmmm if Arthur tried to sit on this block he would have a sore bum. Peoplsees can be numpties.

There were so many peoplesees at the top it was hard to find a spot to sit. I found some space where there were no peoplesees, mum and dad were worried. “Come back Poppy “

No need to worry, Poppys come with 4 paw drive as standard. We started to make our way back down the hill. This hill is great for ball. I don’t even need mum and dad to throw the ball! I just drop it and it goes all by it’s self.

Mr Wind had gone away and Mr Sun had taken his place. I was getting warm. After a good game of ball nothing is better than plonking down on the cool grass, grass is good for hot Poppys.

I had cooled nicely by the time mum and dad had caught up, Where next? Let’s go round the hill. The walk round the hill was nice. Lots of smells. For some reason Edinburgers like to run round it. I saw the same peoplesees 3 times on the way round. These dafties should slow down and smell the lampposts.

Further round as the cliffs got higher I spotted a huge field that would be great for playing ball, cam we dad? On the way I met one of my cousins a 9 year old girl called Ailsa. She was called that because her second name was Craig. Ailsa was nice, not all edinburgers are cold.
We had a great time on the big field. Dad said the queen lives in the big house at the end of the field, nice house.
It was getting late and I was hungry. Time to head back to mini. On the way back it got busy. First lots of strange peoplesees were shouting about vaccines. Then hundreds of loud motorbikes roared past. Its too loud here can we go back to mini? On the way back we stopped for a picnic, no muffins because dad cant have muffins anymore but at least I got some ham. Fed and watered we jumped into mini and were off. Mini did not go in the direction of home and soon she pulled off the big road and went down a small lane in the countryside. At the end of the lane she stopped in front of a big castle. Mmmm what we doing here mum? “This is where we are staying tonight” she said. We are staying in a castle? Oh, OK then.
A peoplesee in the big hall took us to a wee lift past the big fireplace. When it opened we were on a floor all to ourselves. The peoplesee opened the door, so this is home for the night? Better investigate.
Mum and dad had there own toilets, but for me it was the bed. This bed is bigger than the one at Crinnen. I sussed it out then took a run and a big jump at it, nearly never made it. Mum I think the bed is just too big.
All settled it was time to explore our new home. We went out in the back garden, it was huge! There were lots of peoplesees having drinks and enjoying mr sun. At the bottom of the garden were horses beasts, mmmm not too sure about them. Lets go play ball!
The second garden was even bigger and there was a bridge at the end of it. Mum….Dad…..A bridge in a garden? It’s our duty. Lets go. Look mum they have even got their own river!
On the other side we entered a forest. Lots of smells and places to explore. Mum can we get a forest in our back garden?
We explored the riverside but decided to head for higher ground when it got mucky. Poppys can’t get mucky when I’m staying in a castle. Poppys don’t want nasty baths. At the top of the hill we followed the path to the big fence at the end and turned back. We were very high, the river was at the bottom of a steep ravine and looked a long way down. How did we manage to get higher than the castle? I don’t remember climbing a steep hill.
It was late afternoon when we got back to the castle one last play because we had to go to Dalkeith for bags of ice. Mum likes her drinks very cold and daft dad forgot his headphones.
One more last play before we go?
Back in the room we settled in for the night. Mum put down din dins for me and gave me a dentistick in Kong. No sooner had I finished it mum and dad had vanished. I hate it when they do that. Where have they gone? Why have they left me? I’ll wait at the door till they come back…mmm I’m getting sleepy. I hope the ghosts dident get them.