Luss Weekender
Another weekend away. This one was in doubt though. The weather peoplesees said it was going to be horrendous. To top it off the road signs were saying the road to camp was closed! Betsy decided to go for it anyway. As we left the city the angry grey sky’s mood changed and started to lighten up. Better news was the road was open and as we rolled into camp Mr Sun came out. Time to hit the shore!

The silenced was shattered, SPLASH! Four noisy dogs in the bay next to us. Grrrrrrrr, well I’m not having that, I ran to the end of our cove and barked at them. Keep away or you will have me to deal with. Grrrrrrrr

Enough excitement for one day time to settle into Betsy before the midges come out.
Next day we went for a plod about the village. It was a lovely sunny day. Crossing the bridge by the church we explored the park. It was still soggy in places because of all the recent rain.

Are we going out for dinner today? “Yes Poppy, were going to The Village Rest” said mum. When we going? Is there enough time to walk back along the beach?

Dinner was ok, don’t think dad liked it too much