Chasing the Sun North
We set off from Glasgow in the rain. Betsy headed out of the city and pointed north. She passed Stirling, Perth was soon to follow as she continued to chase Mr Sun north into the mountains. I snoozed on mum’s lap, I like travelling in Betsy. I get a great view from mum’s lap, I can see out the windows without having to stand up. After a long, long time Betsy left the main road and trundled along the wee ones into the forest. She pulled over and found a place to rest. “You deserve a rest Betsy”. So, this is camp? Nice smells, let’s explore. Just through the trees I saw it. A beach……Ball!

How cool is this dad, a beach so close to camp, I can even still see Betsy.

What way will we go? There are few shacks that way but I don’t like the looks of those other dogs.

We headed away from the peoplesees and into the wild. Daft dad’s shot was out and ball bounced into Loch Morlich, suppose I’ll get it then, cheers dad.

The water in the loch was very sweet, Poppys like good fresh water.

We walked all the way to the end of the bay, I wanted to see what was round the bend. Guess what, More beach. “Time to head back” said Dad. Grrrrrrrr can’t we play some more ball?

Mr Sun wun was getting ready for bed when we got back to Betsy. She was happy enough, resting in the glade. Suppose we better settle in for the night and get snug.

Today was a good day, who would have thought it ended up so nice, night time walk was much better than the around the block back home. I wonder what tomorrow will bring.