Lake hopping to Cortina
I was tired this morning and didn’t want to get up when I remembered it was a moving day today.

Betsy was off like a shot and soon Corvara was a distant memory. Mr Sun was out and at the bottom of the mountains it was hot. All was well until a huge traffic jam stopped her in her tracks. We were in it for ages. Luckily she found a detour that took us to the Lago di Braies. Dad had to pay a peoplesees 20 euros just to let her take a nap. Mum really wanted to see this lake. It’s water was cool and tasted nice, can we walk round it?

Lots of peoplesees had the same idea. The water was a wild shade of blue, then green, then blue again!

At the top end the lake narrowed and you could cross it by a small bridge.

From the other side you could see the wooden boat house that was on stilts in the lake and all the peoplesees in the small boats that came from it.

I went down to the waters edge and dipped my paws in the water. Its nice here Mum.

That’s when I noticed something was moving, what was it, fishees. I tried to catch some but every time I got close they moved away into deeper water, fly wee devils.

We walked further, the path started to climb and was quite steep and high in places dad told me to be careful, don’t worry dad four paw drive remember. The views were different higher up.

Back at the water I found a nice beach to play on, there was a horrible noisy dog there. It Growled and barked at me. I ignored him. He was on a leash couldn’t do anything if he tried.
That’s when my nose began to twitch, I know that smell, its cow beasts. Cow beasts on a beach? I have only seen that on Vatersay before. Can’t be can it?
They were everywhere. Some were even sunbathing on the beach!
One last look back as we went back to Betsy. Dad it looks like snow.
Back in Betsy she headed back down the mountain to the main road. It was still busy but not as bad as before. Soon she lifted her skirt and was speeding down the road. On the way she found another lake to explore. It was called Lago di Dobbiaco. We got out for a wander, it was nice but not as nice as Lago di Braies. A little further on was another Lake called Dürrensee, Betsy pulled in and we went out to explore.
This was a great place to play ball, lots of flat dry ground.
We couldn’t stay too long because we had to find somewhere for Betsy to sleep tonight.
We passed another lake called Lake Misurina, It was nice but Betsy couldn’t find a place to rest so on she went. We were staying at a place called Cortina but had to stop at a Eurospin for supplies as they were getting low. It was closed for lunch but opening soon so we waited till it did. I guarded betsy when Mum and Dad were in the shop. Next stop campsite. The first one we tried was full so we went to the one next door.
Betsy had a place to sleep so she found a nice spot and we setup camp. No sooner than Dad had his first drink of the night a Finnish van pulled up and sat right in front of us. A peoplesee got out and said “Sorry for stealing your view” Yeah right. Dad packed up camp and we moved. I think it was a better spot.
The Camping Cortina was right next to a river and had great views of the mountains. Liking it here Dad.