Tsunami in the Tyrrhenian Sea
Up early today, Mum had a picnic packed and water iced up. Straight after breky we were heading for town. Mum and Dad spoke to a peoplesee who was giving us a boat for the day. His pal look us down to the seaside and soon we were afloat. The boat went out past the castle and soon was across from our campsite. Look Dad I Can see Betsy from here, its quicker by boat than it is walking.

The sun was out but the sea breeze kept us nice and cool. I found the perfect place to watch the island go by.

Round one point we came across a nice beach. Dad said it was the one we look down on from the bus. It looks better from the water than it does from the bus. What’s it called Dad? “Spiaggia dell Arenelle” said Dad, Bit of a mouth full for a wee beach, no? I mean, look at the size of it, its not exactly Troon or Ayr.

Round the next point was Porto Giglio so Dad had to make boat shift to keep out of the road of the ferry’s. As we cleared the port a huge wave came to wards us from a big ferry. It pushed boat forwards at some speed. Dad said it was just like surfing. Enough excitement boat dropped anchor at Cannelle Beach.

We were not alone, lots of other boats had the same idea. Some of the boats were huge. Dad called them floating gin palaces. Must have gotten them cheap off the Russians. Mum took the chance to cool down and went in for a swim. I took up my lifeguard duties, can never be too careful.

When Mum came out of the sea were moving to a quieter spot for a picnic. Dad Can I drive the boat?

Boat putted on, as we went we went into a bay to check out Cannelle Beach. They get a lot of peoplesees from Porto Giglio.

We left the bay and headed for a quiet bay for picnics.

Picnics was great. I had cheese and ham and a big drink of cool water. We bobbed about for a bit looking at the big boats the came to join us. Mum pulled up the anchor and we were off again. As we putted towards the light house at the bottom of the Island a mega huge boat was zooming along out at sea. A few jiffies later a massive wave was coming straight at us. This thing was bigger than the boat. First the nose of the boat went vertical, then we were right below the next one then I don’t know what happened. I was flying through the air and landed on Mum who was flat out on the bottom of the boat. What the?? I’m not sure I like boats anymore. Boat recovered and was soon in the calm waters below the lighthouse.
Boat took us up the other side of the island, on this side there was not much to see. It was nice and calm though and I started to like boat again. After a while boat pulled into Cala Pozzarelli and dropped anchor
In the middle of the bay there is a huge rock. The peoplesees entertained me by climbing the rock and jumping into the sea. Then doing it all over again, don’t know why but it was good to watch.
Another wee boat came into the bay this one had a flag on it. First it went to the shore then started to round the other boats. What’s it doing Dad? “It’s a bar boat Poppy, they are selling drinks to people,” said Dad. Mmmm never seen that before.
Mum was snoozing in the sun at the front of the boat dad was sitting in the shade me I just did a bit of both. Out with Mum till I get too hot then back in the shade with Dad to cool down. The good thing about here is there is always something to look at.
It was getting on, Mum pulled up the anchor and the wee boat putted around the point and into the small landing area in Campese.
We handed the boat back paid for the diesel she drank and headed for Betsy. Tonight we were getting pizza from the pizza place in camp. Dad was outside talking to our nice Italian neighbour, Giovanni Clementel who pointed out the Island of Montecristo to him. Odd that island wasn’t there this morning, it wasn’t there last night either. Where did it come from?
We went down to the rocks to say goodnight to Mr Sun as he went to bed bows behind Elba. As usual we were not the only ones with the same idea.
Night night Mr sun, see you tomorrow.