Heading North to Öschlesee
We were up very early today Betsy was all fired up ready to go back down the mountain and its twisty wee roads. At the bottom she got a big drink of diesel and Mum and Dad stocked up with a mountain of supplies. I looked at Mum when she got back, “There for back home Poppy,” she said. Fare enough.
As we left Garda I felt at home we had been up and down this road loads of times over the last few weeks. As soon as we got on the autostrassa something changed. The sky got very dark and started to bawl. Betsy’s wipers were on full speed but it was just a river of water hitting the screen, She crawled along with her hazards on. This went on for ages. She climbed and climbed, the sky had stopped crying when she got to the Brenner Pass. We all got out. Mmmm I’m not in Garda now, its freezing Mum. To drive in Austria Betsy needs a special badge so dad was going to buy her one. Mum stuck it on her screen and we were off again.
What goes up must come down and so did Betsy, all the way to Innsbruck. The sky had changed again, Mr sun was out to play as we sped along the valley floor and started to climb more mountains. This time betsy was climbing out of Austria and into Germany.
It was raining when she got to our resting place for the night, Camping Öschlesee. We stayed here last year. Camp all set up, the sky stopped crying, lets find this lake its famous for. Well it wasn’t much of a lake, but it did have one feature that was unusual. The German peoplesees are not shy, they just get naked and jump right in. Mmmm anything could be in there!
I couldn’t get away from the place fast enough and didn’t stop pulling till I was down by the river. Poor mum was limping, she had a blister on her heel. We better keep going we still have the bridge to cross to get to Betsy.

Back at camp we went for din dins, curry worst yum! All was good till the big bangs came again. Mum get me out of here