Found at Bar Monti
Quick breky, up the hill and on the bus to Porta Giglio. Mum and Dad were not confident that someone would have handed in Dad’s camera he lost two days ago. They weren’t even sure where he lost it, it could have been on the bus. At the bust terminus he tried to talk to the drivers but was met with blank stares. We went back to Bat Monti, the last place he had the camera. I couldn’t believe it when he came out with his camera. Honest Italian peoplesees. Lucky Dad. Good job you left a tip ahe Dad?

One last whirl around the port before we go back for bus, a last chance for a dip of my paws in the sea.

We wondered to the far end of the port to explore the other pier. An old Italian Peoplesee said to Dad that I would have to be on leash because you get fined here for Poppys being free. Mmmm whats a fine? Can’t be good coz Dad put leash on me.

On the way back to the bus Mum saw a photo of Castello. “Look its an old town behind the walls, its not just a castle” she said to Dad. “What do think, get off the bus at Castello?” he said. Mmmm well what about me don’t I get a say? “Sure you do Poppy but its two to one” said Dad. Oh, OK then but I want no leash. We got off the bus at Castello.
We went into Castellos walls through a big gate. I like it here I said to Mum as I disappeared up a tunnel. “Poppy come back here NOW!” spoilsports.

Because all the houses in Castello were packed so tightly together it made the streets nice and cool. Perfect for exploring on a hot day like today.

Up and up we trod. Turning down one ally into another. It was like the maze in Pollock Park but with houses not hedges.

When we got to the big tower at the top Mum took my cool coat off me to get it wet at a drinking tap. Well I went to explore

It was a big open square. Where were the peoplesees? Dad said they would be having a nap because it’s too hot to be outside. Mmmm it is warm.

We left the square and Mum lifted me up so I could see over the wall. You can see for miles and miles up here. Look that’s the lighthouse the bus goes by.
As we explored further Dad started laughing. What you laughing at Dad? “Look Poppy a sign for a disco, can you Imagin a disco here?” Well I might Dad if I knew what a disco was.
Heading back down we walked down what Dad called “Bar Street” It did have a few bars but one thing for sure there was no action here just now. Then I spotted a funny tree. Mum? “It’s a love tree Poppy, people write their names on a heart, tie it to the tree and they get eternal love”. Mmmm just like what we have?
We were deep in the old town when I found steps! “Poppy No!” shouted Dad. Dad did you say something I barked back as I zoomed up the steps. Poppys loves steps.
It was time to leave. Can we come here for din dins tonight Mum? It would be really good up here at nighttime. “I must admit Poppy I wish we found it sooner”.
Outside we waited in the shade of a building for the bus to take us down to Campese. It was roasting.
Bus came and that meant one thing on this island……Muzzle. Nasty horrible Muzzle.
I was glad to get off the Bus and even more glad to get nasty muzzle off. “Never mind Poppysock. That should be the last time you have to ware it.” Dad went to the reception as we went back down to Betsy.
Dinner tonight was back at Campeggio Baia del Sole Pizza. We got a nice table over looking the rocks that were still full of Mr Suns worshipers. Dad, I didn’t know Italy was a Druid country
Mum and Dad finished their wine as Mr Sun went to bed.
I watched the sunset, last sunset in Giglio. We are moving on tomorrow. Poppys can always tell when we are moving on.