Bonny Bonny Barga
Today the Mr Sun had come back to play and we were going to explore Barga properly this time. Looking at the sky I could tell no Bang Bangs today, good. We started up the hill to town leaving Betsy in camp.

Over the bridge we went and up the main alleyway into the old toun, I’m beginning to know my way around here.

For a change we headed off to the left at the La Loggia del Capretz Bistrot, where we had din dins last night. This is more like being in Italy.

As we plodded along I saw a familiar sight, the Scotland Flag. In Barga they fly our flag almost as much as the Italian flag.

We climbed back to the Duomo, totally different from yesterday. Look mum you can actually see the town today!

On the other side of the church you could see for miles and miles up the valley, Mabey we should call them glens because of all the Scotland flags.

Today Poppys likes the Duomo, nice and dry, good grass for running in and no Bangs.

Every side of the church has a different view, looks like it would be nice to live down there Mum. “I does Poppy, I wonder how much they cost” said Mum.

As we left the church I saw a cute wee car. Because the streets are so wee here these are probably the only cars you could have.
Just round the corner I found a dinky pickup truck. It was just like the one in the Cinque Terra I got a ride in three years ago, Dad let me on! Pleeeease!
Every corner lead to more smells and things to explore, look at this garden mum, dad there is a scooter in here.
Just outside the city walls I saw something I just could not believe. The Celtic Supporters club of Barga. Dad what the? A Celtic Supporters Club, here???
Back into the old town straight away another pickup to play on.
We headed along the back end of town, one thing puzzled me, where were the peoplesees.
Mum looked over a wall and was well impressed with a veranda, “I could see myself sitting there”, she said. Mmmm I could see me loosing lots of balls on that veranda.
At the bottom of the old town there was more to explore. The old town looked amazing from this side.
After exploring the village we decided to go over the aqueduct and explore the new town. The aqueduct went over a park. Dad said we couldn’t go down because he had forgot to bring the ball. Mmmm Bad Dad.
Never mind, at least I can cool my tum on the aqueduct.
On the way back to Betsy we discovered a market, Mum bought some nice cheese and dad bought some street food. Mmmm lunch will be good today. Everywhere I could here Scottish and Glasgow accents. Dad I know we are in Italy because its hot but how come there are so many of us here? Lunch was yummy. Poppys loves Italian Cheesees. Time for snoozes in the cool green grass.
We went back to the same bar for din dinns as last night. This time we had a table overlooking the town.
I liked this table I could see every thing happening below us. It was like having my own Telly.
As Mr Sun started to settle down for bed we said good night to him and made our way back to Betsy. This was the bestis day in Barga.