Good Morning Lochranza
Big stretch, big yawn THUD, that’s me up now where’s brecky? As I got tore in I noticed dad playing about with an old lemonade bottle, he even put some of my food inside it. Mmmm what’s he up to, I just couldn’t figure it out. He went out side so I decided to follow him. He went to the river and did something very odd. He sank the bottle in the river. What you doing Dad? “I have set a minnow trap” he said. Oh ok then, what the hell is a minnow?

We soon left camp and were on the road to the fairy dell, Mr sun was out and it was nice and dry. Crossing the golf course, we plodded down the road to the sea.

Sniff sniff sniff sniff, mmm I smell sealmonsters.

That’s when I spotted them, I’ll get them Dad, don’t worry I’ll get them. Sneaky sealmonsters know Poppys don’t swim.

All this chasing sealmonsters is thirsty work. Good job Arran has lots of nice spring water to drink.

Every time we do this walk we always have a picnic at the bay by the Cock of Arran. Picnic was yummy, cheese ham and carrots.

Picnics over I went to explore the croft. Lots of smells at the croft, I left a pee mail for the next doggy that comes along.

Just then the sky started to cry. Mmmm we better get a move on. Hurry up mum, Hurry up Dad I want to get back to Betsy before I get wet.

The sky looked threatening on the way back to Betsy somebody is going to get wet today.
Back at Lochranza we stopped of at the whisky distillery. Mum wanted to buy a bottle of Arran Gold but didn’t have her money card. Back at Betsy dad said he would go back and get it. Well, somebody did get wet. As soon as dad headed off the sky started cry and how it sobbed. Poor Dad was soaked when he came back.