Daft Days 2023 Island Bagging
We were in the middle of the daft days between Santa Claws Day and Steak Pie Day when we got up really early in the morning. We all piled into Blue and we were off. Blue left the city and headed north. After a long time she came to a halt. It was cold. I got out and discovered I was surrounded by peoplsees from all over the world. They seemed to like the views.

Too cold, Dad I told you not to cut my hair for Santa Claws Day. Bad Dad.

Blue took us a short ride and stopped again. Nice view but it’s too cold. I haven’t got my coat on.

Mum jumped out coz she wanted to sent a picture to Grandpa. Me and Dad were not that daft.

Hurry up Mum it’s cold

Soon we were off again heading to Glencoe.

Blue kept going. Passed Glencoe, Fort William and beyond. All morning the radio box kept saying the road we would be using was closed because trees had fallen on it. There were lots of snapped trees at the side of the road but lucky us we left it before the closure. Blue had another rest at a place called Eilean Donan. Eilean Donan is very famous it’s been in lots of movies. I missed a trick, I could have bagged Eilean Donan Island, but dad did not want to pay the parking, skinflint.

Blue was off again, this time I managed to bag two more islands! Eilean Ban and Skye! All well and good but Blue just kept going. The roads got smaller and smaller. Dad if Blue doesn’t turn back soon we won’t get home today! Blue came to a stop at a wee house on a hill. Mum got out. I wanted out. If mum gets out, I want out. Your not leaving me behind GrrrrUFFF RUFF RUFF RUFF RUFF RUFF..”OK POPPY! YOUR COMMMING! Shoosh!” Ha always works. I was out in a flash. Mum opened the door I shot into explore. Mmmm funny wee place this.

Mum went upstairs, I went to follow but I couldn’t get up the stairs. I jumped outside and found a set of stairs I could manage. Mmmm where do these go, up I went where I found a garden. Odd place for a garden. Then I spotted a door. I used my magic paw on it, scratch, scratch , scratch and the door opened. Mum was inside and in a wag of my tail so was I. Mmmm so this is upstairs, better investigate.
So we staying here for adventures? “Yes Poppy”. Oh OK then. I think I’ll like Skyes.