Coronation Puppuccino in Arrochar
Another week and Mum needs another break. I feel sorry for Mum. Her work takes it out of her. I’m so glad I don’t have to got to schools. When she comes home she is exhausted and always sad. I try my best to cheers her up by giving her lots of licks. When she got home she got changed and we were soon all in Betsy and heading for the hills. In less than two hours we were all camped up in Arrochar and settled in for the night.
The next morning the bad weather girl said it was going to rain. I hate her, every time she speaks I have to put on equafleece, No I don’t want to put on equafleece. Heading out of the village we took a small road beside the river, at least I can get off leash now.

The path left the floor of the glen and started upwards past some small houses and upwards again into the trees.

Upwards and Upwards it went. All I could see was trees. At least there were lots of new smells to investigate. Dad was starting to get out of puff when the trees thinned and we could see the loch. “That’s Loch Long,” panted dad. Oh, OK then does it have a beach?

The path started to drop until it was blocked by a big fence, will we have to go back dad? Dad looked at the fence looked at Mum and said “I think we should just go for it.” We squeezed past and were back on the path. “Poppy I don’t think you need your fleece, do you want dad to take it off?” said Mum. I looked at Mum, ask a daft question? As soon as fleece was off I got a sent. Squirrelsees! Not normal ones but still Squirrelsees. “Look Poppy, Red Squirrel!” dad shouted. I was off. Red Squirrelsee was just too fast. The path soon started to get harder to follow. Somebody had left lots of logs in the way.

Nice of the peoplsees to leave logs for Poppys to play and climb on.

Soon the path was gone. Dad went ahead and picked a rout to get through all the fallen branches. Mum had to pick me up because they were so deep. We made it to another fence where we could squeeze past. On the other side we went down to the train station. Another fence. This one was easy for me but Dad had to work on the wire that kept it in place to get by. Hope that’s the last one Dad.

Well the football did not go well for Dad, Rangers got beaten again. That’s not all that didn’t go as planned. Bad weather girl was just as bad as she usually is. In the afternoon the sky didn’t cry. In fact, Mr Sun came out to play. It was a nice walk to the hotel where we were going to eat tonight. Fishees for me YUM.

The tunnel took us under the railway the station was called Arrochar and Tarbet. Dad didn’t like the idea of following the road back to Arrochar, neither did I. That would mean on leash. We turned back towards Tarbet.

Behind the village shop, well dad said that’s what the sign said, to me it looked more like a shed, was a small gate. I went to investigate as Dad spoke to the shop keeper. Mum! Come quick! Look! A stone Park! Poppys loves stoneparks.
Dad had found out how to get back without using the road. We went through a gate that said beware of the bull. Are you sure this is a good idea Dad? Bulls are bad tempered beasts. A little while later high above the road our path was blocked. Are they having a laugh Mum? Can’t they see I’m a westie?
The path went a fair way rising and rising until we came to a signpost. Down I take it? We went down the path into the back of the village. It was very quiet. Where is everybody? “Probably watching the Coronation Poppy” said Mum. “In fact that’s what we are going to do”. Back at camp Mr Sun had come out Dad went to get lunch Mum watched Coronation. Mum got a role ‘n Fishee Fingers dad got a role ‘n square sausage. Both looked great but Poppy got nothing! Bad mum and dad.
Tonight we were going out for dinner. The bad weather girl was wrong again Mr Sun was still out to play. We made good time, I was in a hurry. “Poppy what’s the rush” said Mum. Hu, it’s OK for you, you got fishees for lunch, I want fishees for dinner.
Dinner was at the Village Inn, it was very nice Poppy likes the Village inn.
At the table next to us were two couples with two big doggies. After their dinner they bought two cups of stuff for their doggies. What’s that? Dad, what’s that? Dad asked the peoplsee what it was. “Puppuccinos!” she said. One of the doggies shared some with me. It was YUMMY! I looked up at Mum. Mum? “No Poppy you have had enough different stuff tonight,” she said. Bad Mum.
Back at the camp there was a party in full swing. Our neighbours had been drinking daft juice all afternoon and now it was nighttime. They were all having a good time we said hello but it was late and time to get back to Betsy. I have walked a lot today and I only have wee legs.