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Bye Bye Blighty

Bye Bye Blighty

Yesterday I knew we were going on a big adventure. The big give aways were the trip to nasty vets, for nothing, and waiting in a line for the huge ferry to swallow Betsy. I am on ferrys all the time, sometimes four in one day. This ferry is different. Its huge! After we went to our cabin we were outside on the doggy deck.

Poppy the westie on boat to Amsterdam

The ferry started to shake as she roared into life. Some of the other doggies were scared, not me, I have been on this ferry loads of times. The ferry pulled into the big sea after a while Britain got smaller and smaller and was soon no longer there.

Poppy the westie watches the UK disapear

Back in the cabin we settled in for the night. I was waiting for the disappearing act to happen. It happens every time on this ferry. I was so vigilant I watched mum and dads every move but when dad gave me a denti stick I got tore in and before I knew it….They had vanished. Grrrrrrrr they have done it again!

Poppy the westie gets comfy in the cabin

This morning we got our stuff together and headed off to meet up with Betsy. On the way I met a doggy called Rosie, Rosie was nice I met her last night. She jumped into the strangest thing I have ever seen. What you doing Rosie? “This is how I go on adventures Poppy” she said. Mmmm, I think I prefer Betsy.

rosies ride

Ferry bumped into Amsterdam, we rolled out of it and into a big line of cars busses and Betsys to get my papers checked. It took ages and I was glad to be on the open road. After a while Holland turned into Germany and as usual Betsy stopped for a big drink at Kaldenkirchen. Mum and Dad also bought drinks and picked me up some ham, YUM. Betsy rolled on and on I went for a big snooze. When I woke up Betsy had stopped. Dad jumped out and soon a peoplesee led us to Betsys resting spot beside a river. Friday night camp setup the adventure has started proper.

Poppy the westie goes for lunch at the western isles hotel

After dinner we spent some time in the lounge. We wated it out till the sky stopped sobbing.

camp on the banks of the Neckar

Well after a things had settled the lapping of the river soon made me sleepy, the only thing keeping me half awake was this new smell. Mmmmm what is it?

Poppy the westie at camp in Heidelberg

I awoke with a start. What the hell is this? It looks like a geese but it’s too wee. Tell you what though, wee or no it’s no coming through my camp!

Poppy the westie v geece

I heard more splashes in the river. Now on the other side of our camp more of the geeses popped out of the river! One of them had the brass neck to come into MY bit. Soon saw him off.

poppy the westie fends off geece

I was getting peckish, I could tell mum and dad were too. Where we off to? “We’ll just eat in camp Poppy” said dad. Mmmmm, OK then lets go. Mum and Dad got currywurst  I got some sausage. YUM! We will be back here again.


poppy the westie at Campingplatz der Friedensbruke

After din dins we went back to Betsy. It had been a long day.

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